BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Contempt application

(other than an application under Part 8) CPR 81.3 and 81.4

Name of court

High Court of Justice, B&P, Chancery

Claim no. BL-2023-000713

Claimant's name (including ref.) Jockey Club Racecourses Limited JDR\645003.07183 Defendant's name (including ref.) (1) Daniel Frank Peter Kidby (2) - (8) Various 'Persons Unknown'

Date Day 11

Month 08

Year 2023

1. What is your name or, if you are a legal representative, the name of your firm? Pinsent Masons LLP

2. Are you a

Claimant Legal representative of the claimant



Page 1

N600 Contempt application (12.21)

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