BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

11. Does the claimant, believe that the person who gave the undertaking understood its terms and the consequences of failure to comply with it?

Yes No

12. Summary of facts alleged to constitute the contempt (set these out very briefly, in chronological order, in numbered points) 1. On 26th May 2023 Sir Anthony Mann made an order in these proceedings (the "Interim Injunction Order"). 2. By paragraph 2 of the Interim Injunction Order various persons, including Ben Newman, were prohibited from doing various acts on the day of any Racing Fixture at the Epsom Racecourse including Derby Day on 3 June 2023, and were required not to:

(1) Enter the Race Track, except at authorised Crossing Points; or (6) Intentionally obstruct the Horse Races.

3. Paragraphs 3 to 5 of the Interim Injunction Order related to service. The Claimant has complied with the requirements as to service.

4. On 2 June 2023 Mr Newman confirmed in a radio interview that he was aware of the Interim Injunction Order. 5. On the 3 June 2023 Mr Newman entered the Race Track at the Epsom Racecourse shortly after the Epsom Derby Race had begun. He entered at a place that was not an authorised crossing point. He ran onto the track and sought to evade police officers and Race Track marshals.

6. In so doing, Mr. Newman's intention was to obstruct the horse races.

7. Mr Newman was arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing public nuisance.


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