BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

N244 Application notice

Name of court The High Court of Justice, The Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Chancery Division

Claim no. BL-2023-000713

For help in completing this form please read the notes for guidance form N244 Notes.

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Warrant no. (if applicable)

Claimant's name (including ref.) Jockey Club Racecourses Limited Defendant's name (including ref.) (1) Daniel Frank Peter Kidby

(2) Persons Unknown entering the area described in the Claim Form as the "Race Track" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", except at "Crossing Points" with "Authorisation", as described in the Claim Form (3) Persons Unknown entering and/or remaining on any "Crossing Points" without "Authorisation" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", as described in the Claim Form (4) Persons Unknown entering the area described in the Order dated 26 May 2023 as the "Parade Ring" without "Authorisation" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", as described in the Claim Form (5) Persons Unknown entering and/or remaining on any part of the areas described in the Claim Form as the "Horses' Route to the Parade Ring" and/or the "Horses' Route to the Race Track" without "Authorisation" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", as described in the Claim Form (6) Persons Unknown intentionally obstructing the "Horse Races", as described in the Claim Form (7) Persons Unknown intentionally causing any object to enter onto and/or remain on the "Race Track" without "Authorisation" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", as described in the Claim Form (8) Persons Unknown intentionally endangering any person at the location described in the Claim Form as the "Epsom Racecourse" on the day of a "Racing Fixture", as described in the Claim Form


11 August 2023



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