BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

content/uploads/2020/05/Amended-Civil-Listino-Priorities-1305.pdf in which this category of work topped the list of `priority work which must be done' during the Covid pandemic. 4. The Committal Application needs to be heard by a High Court Judge (or s.9 Judge). In the KBD, the natural habitat of the majority of committal work, PD2F 2.1(2) & (3) provides: content/uploads/2020/05/Amended-Civil-Listing-Priorities-1305.pdf in which priority wo during

(2) Any party to a claim or matter may at any time apply to the Courtfor an order that such claim or matter be heard in vacation and, if the Court is satisfied that the claim or matter requires to be immediately orpromptly heard, it may make an order accordingly andfix a datefor the hearing.

(3) Anyjudge ofthe High Court may hear such other cases, claims, matters or applications in vacation as the Court may direct.

5. Whilst it is not suggested that a committal hearing is required `immediately', it is respectfully submitted that there is a requirement that it be `promptly heard'. 5. Whilst it is not suggested that it is respectfully submitted that .

6. The Applicant respectfully submits that providing for a period of at least 3 weeks between service of the Committal Application and the return date would allow Mr. Newman to obtain advice and representation. 7. For these reasons the Applicant respectfully invites the Court to list the Committal Application in September 2023 (if at all possible). 8. As for the application to serve the Committal Application and relevant orders on the Second to Eighth Defendants (the Persons Unknown defendants) by alternative means ("the Service Application"), the Applicant submits that this is suitable for determination at the hearing of the Committal Application. 9. Alternatively, if the court is minded to determine the Service Application separately prior to the hearing of the Committal Application, the Applicant considers that it is suitable to be determined by a Master on the papers. PD2F 2.4 states as follows: `There is no distinction between term time and vacation sofar as business before the Chancery Masters is concerned. The Masters will deal with all types of business throughout theyear, and when a Master is on holiday his list will normally be taken by a Deputy Master'. I hereby certify that this is urgent business and cannot await a hearing before the assigned Master in its due turn for the reasons set out above. Pi ,7 507 alternative means , the Applicant submits that this is

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