BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

OClaimant ☐ Claimant

ODefendant ☐ Defendant

IZILegal Representative ☒ Legal Representative

2. Are you a

O0ther (please specify) ☐ Other (please specify)


If you are a legal representative whom do you represent?

3. What order are you asking the court to make and why? The Claimant is seeking permission from the Court to rely on additional witness evidence in accordance with CPR 8.6(1)(b).

®Yes ☒ Yes

ON° ☐ No

4. Have you attached a draft of the order you are applying


Oat a hearing ☐ at a hearing

Owithout a hearing ☐ without a hearing

5. How do you want to have this application dealt with?

Oat a remote hearing ☐ at a remote hearing


6. How long do you think the hearing will last? Is this time estimate agreed by all parties? 6. How long do you think the hearing will last? Is


OYes ☐ Yes

ON° ☐ No

7. Give details of any fixed trial date or period 7. Give details of any fixed trial date or period

Disposal hearing to be listed in a 2-day window covering 8 July 2024 and 10 July 2024.

Please see the covering letter.

8. What level of Judge does your hearing need?

Each of the Defendants - as set out in the attached Draft Order.

9. Who should be served with this application?

9a. Please give the service address, (other than details of the claimant or defendant) of any party named in question 9.


N244 Application notice (06.22) N244 Application notice (06.22)

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