BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

I, Ben Newman of 5 Wintergreen Court, Homerton High Street, London E9 6FU, WILL SAY as follows:

1. At approximately 13.32.24 on 3 June 2023, I entered the racetrack during the Epsom Derby. Police officers removed me from the track at 13.32.48 and I was subsequently arrested and charged with intentionally or recklessly causing a public nuisance contrary to section 78 Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. I was remanded into custody. On 6 July 2023 and pleaded guilty to this offence at Guildford Crown Court, having spent 36 days in custody. I was sentenced to a suspended sentence order consisting of 18 weeks imprisonment, suspended for two years, 80 hours of unpaid work and a costs order of £1,356. I have complied with the terms of my sentence. 2. I accept that my actions amounted to a breach of the injunction order of Sir Antony Mann dated 26 May 2023. My actions were motivated by a profound concern for the welfare of animals and the planet more generally. However, the time spent in custody has afforded me an opportunity to reflect on my actions and I now wish to express my regret for them. I did not set out to create a dangerous situation, for animal or human participants in the race. My intention had been to delay the start of the race. I had not intended to enter the track once the race had started. Although I do not accept that others were put at any real risk of harm, I fully accept that I created a frightening situation for those who had to enter the track to remove me and that I caused stress to a number of others. I wish offer my sincere apologies to the Court and to those who were adversely affected by my actions. 3. As a mark of good faith and in order to save further unnecessary expense in the resolution of these proceedings, I have offered to be bound by the following undertakings:


To comply with the injunction order of Sir Antony Mann dated 26 May 2023; 529 2

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