BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

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Animal welfare o This article is more than 11 months old Animal Rebellion protesters run on to track before Epsom Derby

Dozens of police officers remove six female campaigners wearing sashes reading Animal Justice'

PA Media Sat 4 Jun 202218.37 BST Six female protesters from the Animal Rebellion campaign group ran on to the track before the Epsom Derby on Saturday afternoon and were removed by police.

Dozens of police officers could be seen working to remove the protesters, who were wearing sashes reading "Animal Justice".

The protest came on the 109th anniversary of the suffragette Emily Wilding Davison throwing herself in front of a horse at the same course.

Some spectators cheered as the protesters were taken away, with a voice on a loudspeaker apologising to spectators.

On Thursday, other members of Animal Rebellion were arrested after they entered the ceremonial route on the Mall before trooping the colour. The group said the protest was aimed at making "a definitive statement, and act, against the cruelty and harm the horseracing industry represents". It describes itself as a "mass movement using nonviolent civil disobedience to call for a just, sustainable plant-based food system".



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