BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

21/05/2023, 20:28

Militant animal rights activists storm the Grand National: 118 'Animal Rising' protesters arrested I Daily Mail Online ©0 Top I% Home k-99

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Patterson, who joined Animal Rebellion in 2020 and now masterminds the group's protests, released a video on Instagram last week announcing the group's name change. 'We feel that the change we need will come through our connection with animals by challenging those industries that exploit them, from our food system to animal testing to zoos to horse racing,' she said.

'Our actions this year are going to be bigger than ever. This summer will be the summer of Animal Rising.



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Police said they respect the right to peaceful protest, but stated 'criminal offences will not be tolerated and will be dealt with robustly'. Pictured: outside Aintree Racecourse

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