BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Jockey Club Racecourses Limited Notes to the financial statements Year ended 31 December 2021

Accounting policies (continued) Financial instruments (continued)


(c) The contract may provide for a determinable variation of the return to the holder during the life of the instrument, provided that (i) the new rate satisfies condition (a) and the variation is not contingent on future events other than (1) a change of a contractual variable rate; (2) to protect the holder against credit deterioration of the issuer; (3) changes in levies applied by a central bank or arising from changes in relevant taxation or law; or (ii) the new rate is a market rate of interest and satisfies condition (a). (d) There is no contractual provision that could, by its terms, result in the holder losing the principal amount or any interest attributable to the current period or prior periods. (e) Contractual provisions that permit the issuer to prepay a debt instrument or permit the holder to put it back to the issuer before maturity are not contingent on future events, other than to protect the holder against the credit deterioration of the issuer or a change in control of the issuer, or to protect the holder or issuer against changes in levies applied by a central bank or arising from changes in relevant taxation or law. (f) Contractual provisions may permit the extension of the term of the debt instrument, provided that the return to the holder and any other contractual provisions applicable during the extended term satisfy the conditions of paragraphs (a) to (c). Debt instruments that have no stated interest rate (and do not constitute financing transactions) and are classified as payable or receivable within one year are initially measured at an undiscounted amount of the cash or other consideration expected to be paid or received, net of impairment. With the exception of some hedging instruments, other debt instruments not meeting these conditions are measured at fair value through profit or loss. Interest-bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs. Finance charges, including premiums payable on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis in the income statement using the effective interest method and are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are not settled in the period in which they arise or to which they relate. Debt issue costs are initially recognised as a reduction in the proceeds of the associated capital instrument. (ii) Investments Investments in subsidiaries and associates are measured at cost less impairment. (iii) Derivative financial instruments The company uses derivative financial instruments to reduce exposure to interest rate movements. The company does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value at the date a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured to their fair value at each reporting date. The resulting gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss immediately unless the derivative is designated and effective as a hedging instrument, in which event the timing of the recognition in profit or loss depends on the nature of the hedge relationship. (iv) Fair value measurement The best evidence of fair value is a quoted price for an identical asset in an active market. When quoted prices are unavailable, the price of a recent transaction for an identical asset provides evidence of fair value as long as there has not been a significant change in economic circumstances or a significant lapse of time since the transaction took place. If the market is not active and recent transactions of an identical asset on their own are not a good estimate of fair value, the fair value is estimated by using a valuation technique. Reserves The company's reserves consist solely of the profit and loss account, which represents cumulative profits or losses, net of dividends paid and other adjustments.



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