BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Filed on behalf of the Claimant / Applicant First Affidavit of N Truesdale Sworn before: Edward Gardiner Affidavit No. 1 Date Sworn: 1 August 2023 Exhibits: NT2 NT3


In describing the disrupting and dangerous actions of the Respondent, Mr Salisbury states he "sighted a male wearing a pink t shirt scale the green inner fence at incredible speed I crossed the race track towards him and as he negotiated the top of the fence, he rips the front ofhis t shirt, lands on the floor and runs away from me to my left, towards jump 8 "CANAL TURN" I continued to chase the male and I saw him reach into his pocket and pour something into his hands and he dropped a white lid in the process. I believed that he had super glue and was going to attempt to glue himself onto or around the CANAL TURNjump", see page 177 of NT2. Shortly after the Respondent was apprehended by Mr Salisbury, the Respondent was cautioned and arrested. Merseyside Police have confirmed in an email to the Claimant's solicitor that Mr Newman had police bail conditions put upon him, which were to not enter Merseyside, nor attend any National sporting events and not to contact co-accused.2


The Respondent's disruption elsewhere


I enclose at pages 179-181 of NT2 an article from Farmers Weekly that indicates the Respondent was charged with a public order offence in May 2021 following disruption at a McDonald's restaurant.


I enclose at pages 182-184 of NT2 an article from Planet Radio that indicates that the Respondent occupied a private farm in May 2023.

The Respondent's disruption at the Epsom Derby


There is now shown to me marked `NT3' a USB memory stick containing the following digital files:


BBC Radio Surrey Interview with the Respondent on 2 June 2023 ("Recording 1");


A side-by-side video showing the start and end of the 2023 Derby ("Recording 2");


Police Officer body worn video footage showing the removal of the Respondent from the Racecourse ("Recording 3");


Video obtained from the Twitter account of Animal Rising showing the removal of the Respondent from the Racecourse ("Recording 4"); and


Video obtained from the Daily Mail showing the removal of the Respondent from the Racecourse ("Recording 5").

2 Merseyside Police have said that National sporting events did not cover the Derby; however, the Claimant does not agree with Merseyside Police's definition, and considers that the Derby is unequivocally a National sporting even681 9

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