BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

"Police heavy-handedness and intimidation tactics will not prevent a national conversation about our animals and the natural world

"It restates its commitment to protect horses and disrupt the Derby."


Superintendent Michael Hodder of Surrey Police said: "We have been clear in our approach that criminal activity will not be tolerated at the Epsom Derby Festival. "As a result of intelligence, we have arrested 19 people who we believe were intent on illegally disrupting today's events. "Our officers will be at the event throughout the day to continue in keeping the public safe and preventing criminality." Jockey Club officials fear the protest will endanger participants, racegoers and horses, although they said they do not dismiss the right to peaceful protest and have offered Animal Rising an area near the racecourse's entrance to demonstrate. The injunction granted by High Court judge Sir Anthony Mann bans people from going on to the racetrack and carrying out other acts with the intention and/or effect of disrupting the races. Those breaching the court order may be subject to contempt of court proceedings and fined or jailed.

Surrey Police have been approached for comment.


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