BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

OFFICIAL - Sensitive (For Criminal Justice related purposes only)


CPS Use Only

WITNESS STATEMENT (Criminal Procedure Rules R16.2, Criminal Justice Act 1967 S9)




Statement of

Age if under 18

Over 18 (if over 18 insert `over 18')

Occupation Police service

This statement (consisting of 3 page(s)) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it, anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.


Sig nature

#055389 SALISBURY, L.


16/04/2023 09:09

Name / Rank / No Constable 055389 L H SALISBURY I am Police Constable 5389 SALISBURY currently based at the Operational Command Centre

in Speke as of part of Matrix Disruption in the role as Operational Specialist. I am trained in

Police search techniques.

I was deployed to Aintree Racecourse from April 11th to April 15th 2023 as part of the callsign

XU91. This callsign was a dedicated protestor removal capability for the Aintree Racecourse

footprint. Over the 3 days of racing, it attracts over 100,000 members of public to the

racecourse, with the majority of public attending on the final day, The Grand National.

On the day of The Grand National, April 15th 2023, I was in company with PC PARRY and SGT

REILY as the only protester removal capability on the steeple chase side of the Racecourse.

Our task was monitoring the jumps and outer fences near to the Liverpool Leeds Canal. This

side of the race course is out of bounds to members of public whilst the race day has begun.

Only members of public that have valid tickets and who have parked vehicles / or their coaches

are parked there, have a valid reason to attend this side of the course. Whilst the racing is on,

this area is locked down. Members of public must be in possession of a valid ticket / pass to be

able to attend the race course.


OFFICIAL - Sensitive

Aug 2021

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