BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing


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NEWMAN was then transported to a custody centre by PC 41263 and I had no further dealings.

It was evident to me that NEWMAN's actions created a serious risk to the horses, the jockeys, myself and other colleagues It was evident to me that NEWMAN’s actions created a serious risk to the horses, the jockeys, myself and other colleagues

working at the event who had to enter the live race track. NEWMAN's actions also caused significant distress and working at the event who had to enter the live race track. NEWMAN’s actions also caused significant distress and

annoyance to the thousands of members of the public in attendance at the event.

When I had tackled NEWMAN to the floor and my female colleague shouted at me that the horses were travelling down

the home straight we were on I suddenly realised the severity of the situation. I was in genuine fear for my safety at the

thought of 10+ horses travelling directly towards us (near the finish line) at around 40 mph. I was really scared that I was thought of 10+ horses travelling directly towards us (near the finish line) at around 40 mph. I was really scared that I was

going to be seriously injured by the on coming horse, I extrmely grateful that other officers arrived so we were able to get

NEWMAN off of the track before the horses came racing down.



OFFICIAL Sensitive (When completed)


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