BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

event, as had been alleged in the Article. While Merseyside Police could not provide me with any further information on what was planned, it was made clear to me that we, alongside our Private Security Providers, needed to be on high alert. Merseyside Police informed me that, whilst they would do everything they could to support the Racecourse, we had to be extremely vigilant, and that the threat of disruption was serious and credible. In light of this, in the days before the start of the 2023 Festival, we worked extremely closely with Merseyside Police to ensure that the event could proceed as planned, and in the safest manner possible. There was a sense of collective responsibility to deliver the 2023 Festival.


Incidents at the 2023 Festival

As above, the 2023 Festival is a three-day event. The opening two days — Thursday 13 and Friday 14 April — proceeded as planned, and there were no significant security issues to report. The 2023 Grand National took place on Saturday 15 April, with the race scheduled to commence at 5.15pm. That morning, at around 9:30am, AR began a demonstration at the front of the Racecourse. Every year, the Racecourse provides a space for peaceful demonstration. Indeed, peaceful protests on the day of the Grand National are relatively common. Over the years, many such protests have taken place on or around the Racecourse and neither I, nor the Racecourse, have any issues with such protests, so long as they are conducted in a lawful and peaceful manner. In respect of AR's protest at that time, information was being relayed to me that approximately 20 to 30 AR Protestors were in attendance and that, on the whole, their protests were good natured. As the morning progressed, and as spectators started to enter the Racecourse, the number of AR Protestors outside the Racecourse began to steadily increase. Around this time, I was told that several people had been apprehended by Merseyside Police off-site. It was my understanding that those individuals were also affiliated to AR and that it was their intention to travel to the Racecourse to disrupt the 2023 Grand National. Alongside the protest at the front of the Racecourse, certain AR Protestors began to conduct a slow march around the Racecourse's perimeter. The Racecourse is surrounded by a metal fence that is approximately 10ft in height (the "Perimeter Fence"). Next to the Perimeter Fence are public footpaths, and it is possible to walk around the entire perimeter of the Racecourse along these pathways. The AR






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