BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing

Protestors had commenced a slow march next to the Perimeter Fence, and at certain points had staged various 'sit-downs' close to the Racecourse.


At or around 4:45pm, approximately 30 minutes before the start of the 2023 Grand National, I travelled to an area of the Racecourse called the 'side-on box' (the "Box"). The Box overlooks a large part of the Racecourse and is where the racing is managed. Alongside me in the Box was a representative of Merseyside Police. Upon my arrival at the Box, I was told that our CCTV cameras — which are located throughout the Racecourse — had identified a number of vehicles dropping-off protestors at the far side of Racecourse near to the Canal Turn, which is a notable area of the Racetrack. Upon exiting the vehicles, the AR Protestors were proceeding to climb the Perimeter Fence using ladders and rubber matting similar to that used in the footwells of cars. The AR Protestors placed the ladders against the Perimeter Fence and were throwing the rubber matting on the barbed wire that protects the top of the Perimeter Fence, to stop themselves from being cut by the sharp edges. It appeared that the AR Protestors had brought these items with them, with the intention of attempting to scale the Perimeter Fence and gain access to the Racecourse. I was subsequently told by Merseyside Police that, as well as being armed with ladders and rubber matting, many of the AR Protestors were carrying bottles of glue. It is my understanding that the purpose of the glue was to allow the AR Protestors to stick themselves to objects, such as the fences over which the horses jump. In total, approximately 100 AR Protestors were attempting to gain access to the Racecourse by climbing over the Perimeter Fence. It was an incredibly tense period of time and the AR Protestors' actions became increasingly disruptive. Merseyside Police — alongside our Private Security Providers and several of the Racecourse's employees — were engaged in an ongoing battle to prevent the AR Protestors from accessing the Racecourse. Despite their efforts, several of the AR Protestors were successful in gaining access to the Racecourse and, once over the Perimeter Fence, were attempting to get onto the Racetrack (the "First Unauthorised Access"). In addition to the First Unauthorised Access, at approximately 5:05pm, I was informed that three other AR Protestors had gained access to the Racetrack via the Embankment Enclosure, which contains one of the main spectator stands. It is my understanding that these individuals had purchased valid tickets to enter the Racecourse, and that during the build-up to the start of the 2023 Grand National, they had mingled with the regular spectators. The three AR Protestors were dressed in normal, civilian clothing. These individuals then proceeded to access the Racetrack by running underneath the fencing that skirts its edge. It is my understanding that the three AP Protestors were attempting to reach the second fence, over which the horses would jump. Upon gaining access to the Racetrack, the three individuals removed



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