BL-2023-000713 - Bundle for Disposal Hearing


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Join us on the (racks 01 the Epsom Derby!

EpsomFor Alit Saturday 03/06


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The Challenge

'hems, wecontione to breed and Sig billions °lother beings each year for 'food' or 000

Ithavelsolfedoglsat the heart clout climate and ecological ,merge Animal/arming endttsfengthweetensourcollectlen future, drsOoyhg our land, our forests, and our oceans The esplonotion aI animals h directly cemenslote for globalhealing, extreme weenier events. lend Insecurity, and the mass kiss ol

Unless we find • way to 'civil.Ihl, brokemolasontRip, we cannot he either the &meteor nature emeigende•

The Solution ',weed now, we can have a liveable More not fuss for us Om

Moro... , la1.1 1.1,••••• •.• deliver the changes we utgently need. We can repo,our ram relationship with entreats andsupport homers to transitionInlo this safer, sustainable food system.

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9.• boned.will velum and Moorish as animallimningand WON comes to an end

Ad onrho your hearth Whey.° Together we canheal our Menem*, withother beings and emate a safer,better Mine for all

Your Donation Counts!

We re asking people to donate to support Mr Work for animals, allowing lie lo rescue more animals, lake high prialile aclions, and create a national conversation in the media o ,

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