Squishy Circuits™ Build dough sculptures that double as circuits! Teach how to power a buzzer, motor, and switch in the Basic kit for 3 students. Deluxe kit teaches 3 students to power a fan or control creations with a switch. Accommodate up to 30 students with Group kits. Four AA batteries required (not included). Full contents lists online. Dough Only Set in 8 colors also sold separately. Recommended for Elementary and up. ^ CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not for under 3 yrs.* Truck delivery Complete Kits w/ Dough TM35-172 Basic Kit ................................... Ea $ 34.95 TM35-171 Deluxe Kit ................................. Ea $ 74.95 N TM37-942 Group Kit .................................. Ea $ 289.00 Additional Components N TM37-941 Group Kit .................................. Ea $ 275.00 TM35-174 Dough Only .......................... Set of 8 $ 19.95
Group Kit w/ Dough
Class Set
Bristlebot Sets Students use motors and circuits to create their own bots! Build a simple circuit on a detached toothbrush head, decorate, then let the little robot go! Small Set includes bots and materials for 4, Group includes 10, and Class includes 25. Recommended for Lower Elementary and up. ^ CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not for under 3 yrs.* TM35-055 Small Set ................................... Set of 4 $ 19.95 TM35-056 Group Set ................................. Set of 10 $ 44.95 TM35-057 Class Set .................................. Set of 25 $ 99.95
B Paper Circuits Illuminate students’ minds with paper circuits and lights! Create a path with conductive tape, add an LED on one end and a battery on the other, and watch what happens! Individual is for 10 projects. Class Set is for 25 projects. Full contents listed online. Recommended for Elementary and up. ^ CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not for under 3 yrs.* TM35-947 Individual ........................................ Ea $ 24.95 TM35-054 Class Set ....................................... Set $ 99.95
Class Set
Activating Origami Students bring origami to life with simple circuits! Students add tech to paper folding. A starter project introduces new skills, then sets students loose to create! Individual includes materials for 1 student. Class Set includes materials for 25 students. Full content lists online. Recommended for Elementary to Middle School. ^ CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not for under 3 yrs.* TM35-363 Individual ........................................ Ea $ 19.95 TM35-362 Class Set ........................................ Set $ 279.00
B Origami Circuits Art meets technology with origami circuitry! Students add LEDs, motors, and batteries to folded 3D models with nylon tape and watch them come to life! Printable templates online. Individual includes
enough items for 4 projects. Class Set supports 25 projects. Full contents listed online. Recommended for Elementary and up. ^ CHOKING HAZARD (3). Not for under 3 yrs.* TM35-950 Individual ........................................ Ea TM35-951 Class Set ........................................ Set ^ *For full CHOKING HAZARD descriptions, see page 136.
$ 24.95 $ 125.00
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