2024 STEM Supplies Back-to-School Catalog


O B 3D Pentominoes Study compound shapes and geometric relationships using 3D models! Students learn about the composition of a pentomino—a 3D object with five squares or cubes—then get busy! They'll use the polyurethane foam pieces to understand geometric relationships as they assemble cubes, complex shapes, and fun designs like animals. Included teacher worksheets provide a visual starting point for students. Complete Set includes 12 pentominoes, each constructed of five 6" x 6" cubes, and lesson direction. 15 lb total. Increase the learning potential with a set of 24 double- sided, laminated puzzle cards (5”L x 3 1 ⁄ 2 ”W; sold separately). Recommended for Upper Elementary. A STEM Supplies Exclusive! TM37-739 Complete Set ........ Set $ 299.00 N TM37-743 Puzzle Cards . . Set of 24 $ 44.95

Two-sided Puzzle Cards provide monochromatic challenges on the front

Students check their work with colorful solutions on the back

Individual Set

N O B TrafficTrouble™ Use logic to navigate out of the traffic jam. Move the plastic cars and trucks to clear a path for the red car to exit. Individual includes one durable vinyl game mat (11 sq"), puzzle cards, cars (1 1 ⁄ 2 "W x 3"L), trucks (1 1 ⁄ 2 "W x 4"L), and lesson direction. Group includes four Individuals. Full contents list online. Recommended for Elementary and up. A STEM Supplies Exclusive! TM37-825 Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ea $ 89.95 TM37-826 Group Set ...................................... Set $ 239.00

N O B Mini 3D Pentominoes Play this compact puzzle-solving team game anywhere. Lightweight urethane foam blocks are half the size of the standard blocks for more a compact design. Blocks range from 6” to 15”L. Set includes 24 blocks, 24 teacher cards, 24 student cards, and activity instructions. A STEM Supplies Exclusive! TM38-110 Complete Set .................................... Set $ 99.95 TM37-743 Puzzle Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set of 24 $ 44.95

O B MathemActive™ Mini Tower of Hanoi Be strategic moving the rings to solve this desktop tower puzzle! Students move the mini pieces on the first stand to the third using the center as an intermediary. Only move 1 disk at a time and don't place a larger disk on a smaller one. Game is best played on a tabletop. Includes 3 towers (12”H x 12”W), 5 rings (6"-14" dia; all are 2”H), and lesson direction. Recommended for Elementary and up. A STEM Supplies Exclusive! TM36-745 .................................................. Set $ 169.00

O B MathemActive™ Tower of Hanoi Life-size puzzle uses algorithms to solve it in the fewest moves possible! Stack 5 nylon-wrapped foam rings in descending order of diameter from the third tower to the first, using the center tower as an intermediary. Includes 3 ABS plastic towers (12”L x 21”H), 5 rings (13"-25" dia; all are 4"H), and adaptable lesson direction. Recommended for Elementary and up. A STEM Supplies Exclusive! TM35-905 .................................................. Set $ 439.00


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