SRA Regional Action Plan MATCH- UP Project

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility Part 2: Policy Context of Action Plan 1.1 General information 2

The Action Plan aims to impact:

Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme European Territorial Cooperation Programme Other regional development policy instrument

Name of the policy instruments addressed:

1. The Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 6 – Priority 5: Sustainable Integrated Urban Development: Priority (6e): “Taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures.” 2. The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2020 7 – Regional Policy Objective: (RPO) 176: “10 Minute Town and City concept to attain sustainable compact settlements, whereby, a range of community facilities and services are accessible in short walking and cycle timeframes from homes or are accessible by high quality public transport services by connecting people to larger scaled settlements delivering these services.”

6. 7.

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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