SRA Regional Action Plan MATCH- UP Project

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility

4.2 Policy Need

Description of the need(s) to be addressed through the policy improvement

The current SEROP Priority 5 (6e): “Taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures,” implementation process requires recipients of this funding to provide an annual progress report on the project which is submitted to the Monitoring Committee of the SEROP for review for all projects that are approved under this priority. Through MATCH-UP, SRA is now seeking to improve the policy instrument by introducing a second stage in the implementation process under Priority 5 (6e), whereby following selection and approval of a project, a framework to review approved projects will facilitate the incorporation of recommendations for low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements is created. By introducing this additional implementation stage under Priority 5 (6e), SRA can ensure that public realm improvements funded under the SEROP also incorporate where possible, low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements. The objective of this policy improvement is to ensure that every opportunity is taken to increase non-private car commuting by improving access to public transport, improving cycle lanes, increasing pedestrian priority areas and improving modal interchange, resulting in reduced carbon emissions. Following the introduction of this recommendation stage, into the implementation process recipients of ERDF funding under Priority 5 (6e) of the SEROP that have approved funding but where projects have not commenced will be required to undergo this second stage in the implementation process and where possible integrate recommendations for low carbon and modal interchange improvements into their project. They will also be required to provide an update on progress on the implementation of these low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange recommendations as part of their progress report to the annual Monitoring Committee of the SEROP.

Table 4.2: Policy need(s)

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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