SRA Regional Action Plan MATCH- UP Project

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility


Present amendment to implementation plan of

05/2021 - Date of

Priority 5: sustainable urban development – Priority 5 (6e) to Monitoring Committee for noting. reports to SRA on progress of project and low carbon urban mobility and model interchange recommendations until project is completed.

actual policy improvement implemented

h DCC to provide regular


Stakeholders Involved

Dublin City Council (CCC)


Policy Improvement Deadline: 05/2021 Monitoring of recommended improvements deadline: 01/2022


Costs will be mainly SRA/DCC staff time estimated between €7,500 to €10,000.

Funding Sources

SRA and DCC will cover their own staff costs. The construction/ infrastructural costs of the low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange improvements will be funded by DCC with the support of exchequer funds. • Number of modal interchange improvements: Target 1 • % of low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange recommendations integrated into projects: Target 33% • Non private car commuting levels in the designated urban centres: Target 45%

Performance Indicators

Table 4.3: Action to develop and implement the policy improvement

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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