SRA Regional Action Plan MATCH- UP Project

Regional Action Plan the Role of Modal Interchange to Foster Low Carbon Urban Mobility Part 6: Interregional learning that Influenced Policy Improvement 6

The good practices, site visits, staff exchanges and other learning inspired by SRA’s participation in MATCH-UP have assisted in developing this Regional Action Plan. The MATCH-UP project facilitated learning at Individual, organisational, stakeholder, Interregional level and external/EU level.

Good Practice & Interregional Site Visit & Staff Exchange

Title of Good Practice

Revitalization “Ilmebahn”

GP owner (region)

County of Northeim, Germany

Can this GP address the policy need(s) identified in Table 4.2 & 4.8? If yes, how?

Yes. This good practice had a 2-stage process that they used to access the viability of each disused rail track and to decide onwhich rail tracks to bring back into service. Inspiration for Policy Improvement Action 1 – Policy Need 4.2 This has inspired SRA to improve the policy instrument by introducing a second stage into the implementation process by creating a framework to review approved projects to incorporate recommended improvements to introduce low carbon urban mobility and modal interchange under Priority 5 (6e) of the SEROP “Taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures.”

Southern Regional Assembly | Regional Action Plan


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