Keele University - Associate Director Employability & Em…




4XDOLÀFDWLRQV(GXFDWLRQ Training • A degree or equivalent industry experience in DUHOHYDQW¿HOG (VVHQWLDO ‡$SRVWJUDGXDWHGHJUHHLQDUHODWHG¿HOG (Desirable)

Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement will play a crucial role in the ongoing growth and success of Keele.

Experience • Experience in a similar role in an academic institution (Essential) • A good understanding of the current ދ HPSOR\DELOLW\ ތ DJHQGDZLWKLQDKLJKHU education context (Essential) • Track record in improving graduate level employment, employability and employer engagement on behalf of an HEI (Essential) • Possessing strong leadership skills with demonstrable matrix management and LQÀXHQFLQJH[SHULHQFH (VVHQWLDO • Experience in the direct line management of staff (Essential) • Experience of developing and maintaining relationships with organisations outside academia (Essential) • Experience of working with faculties and departments to advance the employability and employer engagement agenda (Essential) • Experience of generating, analysing and interpreting management information; and of using data to make recommendations to senior management (Essential) • Experience of drafting high quality written material for a variety of internal and external audiences (Essential) • Experience of working in employability in the areas of health sciences (Desirable) • Experience of working in employability in business and management (Desirable) • Experience of working in employability and employer engagement in social sciences (Desirable)

Skills/Aptitudes/Competences • An understanding of the values and motivations of academics (Essential) • An ability to quickly grasp strategic priorities and develop ways of working with academics collectively and individually to support these (Essential) ‡$QDELOLW\WRSODQDQGSULRULWLVHRQH ތ VRZQ workload effectively to support the delivery of key strategic priorities (Essential) • The ability to work to deadlines and prioritise activity in order to achieve results (Essential) • Good organisational and project management skills (Essential) • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to use tact and GLSORPDF\DQGVWURQJLQÀXHQFLQJDQG negotiating ability (Essential) • Optimistic, resourceful, entrepreneurial, outcome driven and possessing commercial acumen (Essential) • Possessing the authority and credibility to operate successfully across a diverse range of stakeholders (both internal and external) (Essential) • Understanding of intellectual property in Higher Education (Desirable)

Keele is seeking to make the key senior appointment of an Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement.

Candidates will be able to demonstrate evidence of the following skills and capabilities:

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