Keele University - Associate Director Employability & Em…



The Senate, which is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, LQFOXGLQJH[RI¿FLRPHPEHUVHOHFWHGPHPEHUVDQG student members, is the principal academic authority of the University. It oversees academic management, including the curriculum and the maintenance of academic standards. The Vice-Chancellor is the principal Executive 2I¿FHURIWKH8QLYHUVLW\7KHVHQLRUH[HFXWLYHJURXS within the University is referred to as the University Executive Committee (UEC) and is responsible for strategic development and operational management of the University. Membership of all three committees is shown below.

The day-to-day governance of the University is the responsibility of the Council, which comprises 22 members, the majority of whom (14) are lay members drawn from industry and the community. The remaining members are drawn from the academic and professional support staff and the Presidents of Keele Students’ Union and the Keele Postgraduate Association. 7KH&RXQFLOPHHWV¿YHWLPHVSHUDQQXPFKDLUHG by the Pro-Chancellor, and ‘governs, manages and UHJXODWHVWKH¿QDQFHVDFFRXQWVLQYHVWPHQWVSURSHUW\ business and all affairs whatsoever of the University’.

Organisational Structure

University Executive Committee




Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students)

Director of Engagement and Partnerships Director of Estates and Development

Director of Finance and IT Director of Human Resources


Director of Marketing and Communications Academic Registrar and Director of Planning and Academic Administration

Dean of Internationalisation

Secretary to Council



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