Keele University - Associate Director Employability & Em…



Introduction From The Vice-Chancellor

Thank you for your interest in the role of Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement at Keele University.

The postholder will provide strategic leadership and enable collaborative delivery across a range of established activities and areas, including the employability programmes in our Schools, new degree level apprenticeship provision, careers and employability advice and guidance, volunteering, alumni mentoring, student and graduate enterprise support, student societies, placement and work experience programmes and our wider engagement and partnerships with private, public and charity sector employers. In leading and delivering against this important agenda, the role holder will champion the University’s commitment to realising the graduate outcomes our students and the University want to achieve, after both undergraduate and postgraduate study with us. If you believe you have the experience and qualities to lead a function that is integral to ensuring the continued success of the University then I hope you will pursue this opportunity

Keele has ambitious plans for its future growth and development, building upon its reputation as a research-led campus University with a broad academic base. We are large enough to have high impact and SUR¿OHEXWVPDOOHQRXJKWRVXVWDLQLWVFRPPLWPHQWWR community and individuals. Whilst being rooted in its locality, the University is international in outlook and character and in the reach and impact of its education and research programmes. Keele is a well-respected provider of inspiring HGXFDWLRQSUHSDULQJJUDGXDWHVZKRPDNHVLJQL¿FDQW DQGZLGHUDQJLQJFRQWULEXWLRQVLQWKHLUFKRVHQ¿HOGV 6WXGHQWVIRUPDVWURQJDI¿QLW\ZLWK.HHOHGXULQJWKHLU studies and throughout their lives, as evidenced by our outstanding success in relation to student satisfaction, RXUVLJQL¿FDQWDOXPQLQHWZRUNVDFURVVWKHZRUOGDQG the active role our alumni take in the development of the University. As we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, Keele will be a University characterised by ‘aspiration and ambition’ – an aspirational destination for students and staff. We are seeking to make the key senior appointment of an Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement to take the lead role in advancing the University’s employability and employer engagement activities.

Professor Trevor McMillan Vice-Chancellor

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