Keele University - Associate Director Employability & Em…




The innovations and discoveries of Keele academics are key contributors to wider social and global issues.

Keele University is a world class campus-based University committed to providing the highest quality learning and living environment in which RXUVWXGHQWVDQGUHVHDUFKHUVFDQÁRXULVK

A key strategic aim of the University is to promote sustainability in all aspects of the University’s activities,taking a whole institution approach to sustainability. The University has a nationally leading reputation for its work in embedding sustainability into RXUFXUULFXODDVZHOODVKDYLQJVSHFL¿FHQYLURQPHQWDOO\ focused undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and strong sustainability-related research across a wide range of disciplines. This is being given a greater focus with the establishing of a new University Energy and Sustainability Research Centre, which will link closely with the new Smart Energy Network Demonstrator which is being developed on the campus with substantial external funding and will be a unique, internationally leading research and development facility providing some really exciting research and partnership opportunities. There is a vibrant programme of external engagement with the local community and schools. As a world class university Keele has connections across the globe. The University is in contact with more than 43,000 of its alumni in 139 countries. This global network includes senior diplomats and politicians, leading EXVLQHVVSHRSOHDQGRI¿FLDOVLQLQWHUQDWLRQDO1*2VVXFK as the UN. Our research is also increasingly international in its partnerships, with strong links in every continent. On campus there is the opportunity to experience a WUXO\LQWHUQDWLRQDOÀDYRXUDVWKHGLYHUVL¿FDWLRQRIRXU student population now sees more than 120 countries represented at Keele, while nearly all undergraduate students get the opportunity to spend a semester abroad as part of their studies at one of the University’s 50 plus partner universities worldwide.

Keele also has high quality teaching and student experience, ranking 4th in the Times Higher for quality RIWHDFKLQJVWDII.HHOHZDVWKH¿UVWQHZSRVWZDU 8.XQLYHUVLW\RIWKHWKFHQWXU\DQGH[HPSOL¿HGWKH innovation and idealism of the post-war generations, offering a bold, alternative vision for Higher Education. The University College of North Staffordshire was founded in 1949 and received its Charter as the University of Keele in 1962. There was a deliberate aim to break away from the pattern of the specialised honours degree, avoiding as far as possible the divisions between different branches of study. While there have been changes, the coherence of Keele’s academic vision remains. One third of our current students still study two subjects to honours level. Keele research also helps shape the world – whether LWLVLQÀXHQFLQJWKHODZRQKXPDQUHSURGXFWLRQKDYLQJ an impact on international human rights policy, or offering historical perspective on contemporary terrorism. 7KHPRVWUHFHQW5()FODVVL¿HGRIWKH8QLYHUVLW\¶V research as world-leading and of international importance. The Faculty of Natural Sciences contributes VLJQL¿FDQWO\WRWKLVZRUOGOHDGLQJUHVHDUFKSUR¿OH

The University makes a unique contribution to higher education in its continued commitment to encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary education and research. .HHOHVWXGHQWVDUHDPRQJWKHPRVWVDWLV¿HGLQ the country. Keele’s teaching quality has recently been assessed as ‘Gold’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework and is currently the top ranked university for student satisfaction (NSS Survey 2014, 2015 and 2016). .HHOHJUDGXDWHVDUHKLJKO\SUL]HGIRUWKHLUÀH[LELOLW\RI thought and the maturity of their social skills. The University has one of the best graduate employment rates in the UK, clearly evidencing that our students achieve their potential. Keele remains in the UK top ten for student employability, with 97.5% of students who JUDGXDWHGLQ¿QGLQJIXOOWLPHHPSOR\PHQWRUIXUWKHU study within six months.

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