King's Business - 1936-03

March, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN Long Beach, California

W a fa jU U sf



Europe trembling on the lip of trouble. Mexico in turmoil, civic, religious, political. The Philippines already lowing like a tied calf in the lions’ den. Santa Claus, I hope you had sense enough to wear a gas mask. That same hallowed evening, the headlines in all the newspapers on the face of this deranged old earth con­ firmed only too emphatically the “ Observations” of Irvin S. Cobb. The local paper in my own city on that anni­ versary of the “ birth” of the Prince o f Peace, carried headlines like these: “ POPE PIUS SAD , PEACE HOPES SHATTERED Dark, Painful Days Seen by Pontiff In Encyclical to Cardinals” “ BERLIN AND TOK YO GIVEN W ARN ING BY RUSS IAN S ” “ MOSCOW IS READY TO STR IKE ” “ S eer P red ic ts S c a n d a l o u s E v e n t s ” ( for 1936) The “ scandalous events” forecast under the above headline were chiefly forecasts of divorces and suicides among the “ stars” o f Hollywood. This “ Seer,” the as­ trologer, Mahlon Norvell, in February, 1934, printed a forecast o f “ a conflict between a large and a small nation somewhere in Africa. It will spread throughout Europe in 1936.” The conflict “ in Africa” came! And, as we write, the evening newspaper here on the table bears a headline in great black letters across the first page: “ BR ITA IN , FRANCE JOIN IN N A V Y W A R MOVES Great Armadas will be Concentrated near Possible War Theatre” As the new year (1936) is still in its dawn, conservative observers see nothing but deep, dark clouds, pierced only by forked, jagged lightning, and filled with ominous mutterings. A world that has forgotten God is aghast with terror! Only addle-brained idiots still dance, dine, drink, hug themselves, croon and tra-la-la in a “ fools’ paradise.” Thinking men are realizing that the champagne glasses are getting down to dregs, the fleshpots are becoming dangerously empty, and the “ day-after” is at hand! Among the sons of men who still are not too groggy to think, the prophet o f God stands erect, the only one un­ afraid. He is no blinded nit-wit, shutting his eyes to the reality of approaching tempests, storms more fearful than any in all the ages past. He beholds them sweeping in from the maddened seas. But as the waves pile high and poise themselves for the crash, he rests securely upon a Rock that he knows no storm can quiver. He knows that against that Rock all the billows o f all the seas can only foam out their own shame. As, when the foreboding shadows of the night come on, a helpless babe falls back and rests serenely on its mother’s breast, so the saint o f God rests serenely today, on the bosom of Him who “ shall “ HYMNS OF H ATE SUNG IN EUROPE ‘Peace on Earth’ Travesty, As Preparations Are Made for Warfare”

“ 1936 an Epochal Year— Say Various Groups” S u c h is the headline of a brief article in that inter- Among the sons of men who still are not too groggy to edited by Keith L. Brooks. We quote: The year 1936 has for a number of years past been named by various groups as an epochal year. It is of sinister significance that Spiritists have forcasted a crisis of history between 1934 and 1936. Indian mystics and Egyptian soothsayers have also pointed to the same time. There is strange agreement between Pyramidists, Russell- ites, British-Israelites, Spiritists, Eastern mystics, and Astrologers! They, With one voice, forecast some catas­ trophe soon! Is Satan divulging some of his plans? Can he prophesy the future in some way? It may be so, for will he not deceive with “signs and lying wonders” ? The New York World of April 3, 1929 [note that date!—L.S.B.], carried the following article: “This year will usher in a period of grave political and social unrest and unsettledness all over the world. Instead of abating, human misery will go on increasing until the year 1936, when the greatest and most horrible war of history will be fought. Palestine will be the center of this gigantic struggle in which practically all the nations of the earth will be involved. “The above prophecy is made by an international committee of psychists headed by the Rev. Walter Wynn and Capt. R. A. Neaum, who have come to this conclusion of a disastrous future by a close study of the Great Pyra­ mid o f Cheops.” Attention is called to the fact that that famous exponent o f spiritism— Sir Conan Doyle— said before he died: I have made no new plans for future work, as my “guide” (a spirit possessing a medium) has warned me to hold myself in readiness for a great event of cata­ strophic nature that is overtaking the world . . . Confirma­ tion of these messages has reached me from over sixty mediums in various parts of the world. We also know o f some worthy students of the Scrip­ tures, who, rightly or wrongly, have been looking forward to 1936 as an “ epochal year,” fraught with tremendous supernatural possibilities. !While the writer has opposed, and continues to oppose, the folly o f setting positive dates for our Lord’s return, yet, as we have now entered upon this supposedly “ epochal year,” it may be of real interest to review, in the light of the divine prophecies, the momentous events o f the year that preceded it. “ S a n t a C l a u s ” in 1935 N eeded “ A G a s M a s k ” Last Christmas Eve, the following “ Observations” were made by the noted wit, Irvin S. Cobb : There was a manger and a man-child born in it, and a new star over Bethlehem and three wise men a-riding. Peace on earth: But none in their own land for a man and a woman most deserving o f our protection—Charles and Anne Lindbergh. Good will to all men: Italians and Ethiopians tearing at one another’s throats. Japan locking her jaws the tighter in China’s mangled withers. Germany, with race arraigned against race, creed against creed, neighbor against neighbor. [In following issues o f the K ing ’ s B usiness , the prophetic review begun in this number will be continued by Dr. Bauman, who is the pastor o f the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif .—E ditor .]

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