King's Business - 1936-03

March, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


jday-school, but I know only small part of Bible as yet. He said to come to mission­ ary’s home with him Monday night and learn how to teach, so as I need not stay in the shop then, I shall go and consider it. D e c em b e r 4. To my astonish, about thirty teachers assemble at the foreigners’ house tonight. For there are other churches and Sunday- schools, and all are aided by Mr. Mc- Edward. Hayashi San says Mrs. Mc- Edward writes the lesson as it must be taught, in English; then again she writes for ' small children! These writings are translated into Japanese by her woman helper. Pastor Fujimoto is like a foreign actor. I smile as he takes the translation, and, standing up, he teaches us all with mo­ tions of eyes and hands, pretending we are small children. It is like a game and we all laugh with great humor. But he prays too, before and after, with mighty vigor as always. There are many lesson sheets, so I accept one. And next Sunday if some teacher is absent, I will begin my work for the Lord God. But I shall like it if the class would only be boys. D e c e m b e r 10. To my sorry, the teacher rof 3 and 4 grade girls was ill and not present today, so I kneeled up tall and straightly before seventeen of them. But I felt not so tall as I seemed. They sat on the very quiet and listened to my story of Daniel. It is a good story as never was, and I won­ der if I can ever need such courage as he. When I ask questions^ the girls answer very well. How can they be so keen? As this class sits nearest the Fujimoto house door, I hear a great turmoil within. Sister F. opened the door and waved me. I came to her and she said small crying boy had swallowed his offering money of one sen. They are the largest piece of money, so 1 look at him with anxiety. She bid me shake him by his feet, so I did, but the sen was coasted down to his! stomach and could not rise back again. Children often drink money and toys,, so I think he w ill' be as before. When Akiko was little child, she ate naphthalene balls and Father’s black shoe cream in one day, but she did not be­ come ill. And it seemed that by and by the rain was cleared on the small boy’s face. I like very much the teaching of Bible as I did not have-expectation to do. Hayashi San had older boys.' And Matsu Chan declares he will follow after me in such happy work after his mother is recovered her illness. At present he is nursing her. 2 0 t h o f D e c e m b e r . What joyful time is the celebration of Christ when born. Always before I have only looked upon Santa Claus images in Gjnza shops and the large trees covered with sparkles on the cotton snow, but this year I myself am Christian, so I make part in the real festival of Christmas. Tomorrow night is the Bible class again, and we do not know hpw to do, but Haya­ shi San says it is well to purchase for the McEdward children a present. So Matsu Chan and I went together to the Mitsuko- shi Depart store and bought doll and game. We have all given something o f money also for Pastor Fujimoto who is so good a man and always gives away his clothses to the poor. So he has no, fine kimono at all. But Hayashi San says I must not speak of [Continued, on page 106]

W orld ’s Christian Fundamentals Association




C harles G. T rumbull H. A. I ronside

P aul W . R ood

Executive Secretary W . B. R iley J. O liver B uswell C harles L. H uston M rs . D aisy P. W right [The following items have been received from leaders of the Association in various states. Other local news will be published gladly in this department from time to time .— E ditor .]

World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion, Conducted conferences recently at Coffeyville and Tyro, Kans. A t Coffeyville,. the nineteen-day program, which began December 4, dealt with such topics as prac­ tical ; Christian living, prayer, the virgin birth, the resurrection, and prophecy. Con­ current with this program in the auditor­ ium of the church, Mr. Barker held an af­ ternoon series of discussions where he was interrogated more informally for from • two to four hours daily for eighteen days by up to more than forty people. At Tyro, twojehurches joined for a ten-day confer­ ence. ' These two groups are joining in the organization of a Bible Conference Asso­ ciation pledged to hold annual sessions. Mr. Barker, whose address is 4076 E. 131st St., Cleveland, Ohio," *is open for engage­ ments anywhere. Gustaf F. Johnson, pastor of the Swed­ ish Mission Tabernacle of Minneapolis, Minn.JSwas the speaker for an interde­ nominational Bible conference in the Swedish Mission Church of Des Moines, Iowa, on January 27 and 28. The Des Moines Christian Fundamentals*/Associa­ tion sponsored the conference. L. P. Cas- sdPis president of the Association. O. G. Lewis, pastor o f the Community Church o f Grandview, Iowa, was the speaker at a Bible conference in the Rus­ sell Baptist Church on December 2 to 4. On account of his outstanding talents both as a Bible teacher and as an artist, Mr. Lewis is in demand as a conference speaker in various parts of Iowa, L. Sale-Harrison was the speaker for a very successful two-day Bible conference in the Swedish Mission Church in Des Moines, Iowa, on November 4 and 5. He again will be the speaker at a two-day conference in Des Moines under the aus­ pices of the Des Moines Christian Funda­ mentals Association, on the last Monday and Tuesday in September, 1936. A Call to Bible Study is issued by the World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion, through its Bible Study Secretary, Mrs. D. L. Dotson, 5009 S.W. 6 th St., Des Moines, Iowa. After referring to the need for a knowledge of the Word if the Chris­ tian is to be used by the Holy Spirit in per­ sonal soul-winning, Mrs. Dotson adds : “The World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion urges the establishing o f Bible study classes under the direction of the Associa­ tion. Experience has proved beyond a doubt that the most effective way to con­ tend for the faith is to establish Christians in the Word by encouraging them to study it, and especially in Bible classes, syste­ matically, thoroughly. If you do not have a Bible study class, will you organize one immediately?” For any help or informa­ tion, persons interested are invited to write to Mrs. Dotson.

The Colorado Christian Fundamentals Association is still active in the Lord’s work., under the chairmanship of J. D. Heinzman, Centennial School Supply Co., Central Savings Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo, Their fine General S ecreta ry , H. A. Wilson, had to give up his part of the work to become Dean of the Omaha Bible Institute. The Association has- dis­ tributed thousands upon thousands of Gos­ pels o f John throughout the state, and the organization still has many thousands of copies on hand, paid for, but it lacks funds to complete the distribution. The East Bay Evangelistic Union has a territory extending for a radius o f thirty- five miles from Oakland, Calif., on the East Bay side. The group is cooperating with the World’s, Christian Fundamentals Association. The Union has a mailing list of 2,500, and some of the activities are as follow s: prayer fellowship; East Bay Young People’s Christian Fellowship; Bi­ ble conferences; missionary fellowship; hospital visitation; gospel literature distri­ bution, and aggressive evangelism through personal wififiess, union campaigns, subur­ ban meetings, gospel teams, and open-air meetings. Officers of the Union are Ivan C. Frickstad, President; Cecil A. Kettle,: Secretary, and E. H. Vanderwall, Treas­ urer. Headquarters of the Union are at 140 Blake St., Berkeley, Calif., at the ad­ dress of the president. The Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association will hold its next annual state conference in the First Baptist Church of Creston on May 4 to 6 . R. R. Kratz is pas­ tor of the' entertaining church. Guy H. Fish, 2408 York St., Des Moines, Iowa, is the President of the Iowa Christian Fun­ damentals Association. The Nebraska Christian Fundamentals Association is one of the youngest of the State groups, and yet these friends are doing wonderful work for the Lord. The Association was organized in October, 1932. Paul W. Rood since has held three Bible conferences at Holdredge and at Stromsburg. Other conferences have been conducted by Walter L. Wilson at North Platte and Gothenburg and by R. R. Brown at Kearney. The Annual Conference last year convened in the Evangelical Church, Holdredge, Nebr., June 26 to 28, with T. Richard Dunham of Findlay, Ohio, as the speaker. Quarterly Bible conferences were held at different places in the state. The officers of the Association are H , E. Sod- ergren, Loomis, Nebr., President; Arley Bragg, Wilcox, Nebr., Vice-President; Mr. Mann, Gothenburg, Nebr., Secretary; and E. H. Williamson, Maxwell, . N e b r ., Treasurer. C. L. Barker, Bible Conference evan­ gelist and accredited field worker ,pf the

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