King's Business - 1936-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1936

JINSABURO SPEAKS HIS MIND [Continued from page 94] it before the pastor, as Christmas gifts are surprised to people in America, and so they do here. I wonder why they do in such manners S am e month -, 2 1 st day . The Bibl? class celebration was quite wonderful. W e had flat cakes with sweet writing on top, and the writing said where to look for text in Bible. Only after we -.found text and readmit, could we eat the cakes. Mrs. McEdward had made them and others also. These others had rolled- up paper baked inside with short texts. I learned mine first of all the men, and it was, “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” It is a good word to heed to-. There was alsfBa sjweet on a chopsticks called “taffy apples,” and we became as small children, laughing and eating. D ecember 25. This is Christmas Day and we joy to the world for the Lord is come. Saturday night was such fine program, and though it passed through three hours, no. one of twofnundred children cried aloud. There was large cedar tree planted in a tub. JSir. McEdward said they will plant it in the garden again tomorrow. No Santa Claus came at all, for children must be shown to worship Christ whose birth celebration it is. I had practiced my class in songs, as I liked singing and they did it very well. How could they learn so many poems and speeches with music and motibns ?A;,i Aunt came as her children sang in the Primary part .and said also many Bible texts in high sweet voices. Mayjie-in this manner she and Uncle will be led to come finally. My mother was also present with Sister, Akiko. I think by next year Christ­ mas, I shall lead Akiko and Brother, Shozo, to be of this way. But best of all, was church celebration on yesternight. Pastor Fujimoto was sur­ prised to tears over his big box, and be­ fore us all, he took out black silk kimono, new. foot mittens, new scarf and hat. '-T thought it strange,' but-Matsu Chan said he heard that foreigners always open gifts before others,wreely and without reserve. There was also surprise to us, a great evangelizing preacher w h o 1 came ’/from Kobe to give his preach. He expostulated three points: Gold as pure life of Christian. , Frankincense of sweet prayer. Myrrh of sacrifice for Him. It was very grand with flowing words, and my heart poured as water. When at last he gave invitation to every, one who vowed -to give these three presents to Christ, all the church went quickly up to altar fence, and with soft cryings and prayings we brought them. I did not understand how to live more pure lf-fe, except in my thoughts, and as for prayer, I have begun to transcribe names in my notebook, asking God for them day by day. But in sacrifice, I saw clearly what must be done. I miist sac­ rifice America and the university there­ in, though it be the darling goal of my soul desire. Never before have I given it up for a moment, but it is all I 'have to present ’¡¿how. Next year there may be something larger. Anyhow, I am happier with Lord Christ and sacrifice, than with­ out Him and all wishes filled full. So,, dear Master, I give to You my bottle of myrrh. [To be continued]

OUR LITERATURE TABLE God’s Fellow-Workers B y L . L . L egters This series of Bible studies by the field secretary of the Pioneer ■Mission Agency shows that God uses but three instruments in His work upon earth: His Spirit, His Word, and a redeemed life. From the Word, Mr. Legters gives a concrete and detailed explanation of the divine prin­ ciples governing the marvelous relation­ ship of the Christian and the Lord as fel­ low-workers.- A new vision of faith and victory awaits the reader. 89 pages. Chris­ tian Life Literature Fund, 1201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Paper. Price 25 cents. These fragrant stories that tell of the inner spiritual experiences of the writers of twenty-five of our best-loved hymns in­ clude also, frequently, the incidents’ lead­ ing to the writing of the hymn. There is also a briefer mention of fifteen more hymns, and of many of the composers of the hymn tunes. Studying the narratives, the reader is, most impressed with the sweet simplicity of the treatment, an approach which makes the material exceptionally adaptable to use in a group that includes varying ages. Though thè stories bear the mark o f au­ thority and discrimination, they are told with such directness that a child in a fam­ ily group would share in gaining a new conceptiondof the source of our hymns. Use of this book should enrich both indi­ vidual and congregational worship in song, and the volume may well lead to more gen­ eral memorization of these treasures of our Christian heritage. The book is beautifully bound in rich purple fabrikoid, gold-embossed, and the individual sketches are illustrated with lines from the best-known hymn tunes. The author was assisted editorially by William M. Runyan of the Moody Bible Institute. 60 pages. John Rudin & Co., Inc. Fabrikoid;/Price $1.00. For readers who wish to keep informed concerning current writing in the religious field, and who, obviously, cannot find time to read the large number o f worth-while articles and books that are being written, the publishers of the Religious Digest have performed a valuable service. Within the c :nety-six pages of this monthly magazine of handy size,, twenty-five or more of the most significant articles recently published in the outstanding Christian journals are brought to the reader in compact, usable form—having been shorn of all that is nonessential, yet robbed of no vital life and interest. The editorial council of eigh­ teen members includes such men as Lean- der S. Keyser, Robert G. Lee, and William E. Biederwolf. The editorial policy is stated, in part, thus: “ Our criterion is the crucified Saviour and risen Lord . . . We will not be narrow or sectarian. W e will be positive in our approach, and seek to present the best from the whole field of religion per se.” One is better able to form his own conclusions when he has had the advantage of a broad, fair view, such as the Religious Digest provides. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Price $3.00 per year, 25 cents per copy. Stories of Hymns We Love t . B y C ecilia M argaret R udin Religious Digest E dited by B ernard J. M ulder

P rophetic B ooklets BY

Louis S. Bauman, D.D. Writer of Prophetic Articles in THE KING'S BUSINESS

SHIRTS AND SHEETS, or, Anti- Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First Magnitude! “ Behold, a Great Red Dragon! . . . H e perse­ cuted the woman which brought forth the Man Child” (Rev. 12:3, 13). This booklet deals with the most significant present- day sign of the closing of our age and the coming of the kingdom of God—Anti-Semitism! It reviews the entire story of the eternal conflict between “ the seed of the woman" and “ the seed of the serpent"f^ between the “ great red dragon” and the earthly people of God,—culminating in the latest outburst— Hitlerism. No prophetic study is more timely or more important. Order your copy today. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid God and Gog; or, The Coming Meet Between Judah’sLion and Russia’sBear (2nd edition, revised) A booklet of forty pages bearing on one of the most timely and interesting subjects in the whole realm of prophecy. Illustrated with striking cartoons. Especially interesting to American Christians in view of our government's recognition of Russia. Now in second revised edition. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid THE WORLD’S HEART FAILURE ( Our Lord’ s Own Crystalline Prophecy of the lmminency of His Return. Lk. 21:24-33). A booklet of 24 pages presenting a graphic picture of present world conditions as foretold by our Lord should exist prior to His return. Contains two striking cartoons. Splendid for general distribution among both the saved who are not acquainted with the Blessed Hope of Christ's return and the unsaved who are showing anxiety because of present-day conditions. Price, 15c each, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid N.R.A.— The Sign and Its Spiritual Significance This booklet sets forth in a most clear and concise manner, the spiritual significance of the N.R.A. in the light of the Prophetic Word. Every student of prophecy will welcome this sane Scriptural study on present-day events. The following testimony esti­ mates the value of this booklet: “ This is a well- written article, forcefully hitting many sore spots in national as well as individual conditions, and deserves wide distribution." Price, 10c each $1.00 per dozen postpaid ALSO THE MODERN TONGUES MOVE- MENT— in the Light of the Scripture and in the Light of Its Fruits (2nd edition, revised) The world-wide demand for this 40-page booklet has been so great that it is now in its second edition, revised. Scores of persons have been led out of this false movement and thousands of others saved from its erroneous teachings through the sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Recommended by Dr. Grant Stroh to members of his class in History of Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Price of Revised Edition, 25 cents 5 copies for $1.00 postpaid POSTAGE STAMPS ACCEPTED Order Front ALAN PEARCE 1925 E. Fifth Street Long Beach, Calif.

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