King's Business - 1936-03


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March, 1936

in order that we may be “partakers of the divine nature.” Then in verse S Peter turns to remind us of our responsibility. W e must be “giving all diligence.” . Growth in the Christian life means w ork; there is no time or room for shirking or laziness. Be a worker, not a shirker or a jerker. Then beginning with “ faith,” without which “it is impossible to please him,” we are to grow. Discussing this passage, Alva J. McClain has interpreted the meaning as follow s: “ The key to the right understanding of 2 Peter 1 ;5-8 is found in the first part of verse 5, and it should be read in the American Revision. ‘Yea, and for this very cause adding on your part all dili­ gence, in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge.’ “The reader will notice especially the three words, 'on your part.’ Using this idea as a point of contrast, it is possible to divide the whole section of verses 1 to 8 into two parts. Verses 1 to 4 speak o f God’s part in the Christian life, while verses S to 8 speak o f our part in the Christian life. It is God who supplies the ■“precious faith’ of verse 1 , the ‘grace and peace’ (v. 2), the ‘all things’ (v. 3,), and the ‘exceeding great and precious prom­ ises’ (v. 4). “ But what is our part? The Authorized Version seems to suggest that we are re­ sponsible for a kind o f mathematical pro­ cess— ‘add to your faith virtue’ (v. 5). The idea would seem to be that we begin with a bare ‘faith’ ; then we are to some­ how get hold of ‘virtue’ and ‘add’ it to what we already possess, and so on down the list. Such an idea is ; wholly foreign to what Peter really wrote. The Christian life is not a mechanical process of addition. It is a growth. As a matter of fact, the Christian can add nothing to what God gives. What we can do is to grow. It is not ‘add to your faith virtue,’ but ‘in your faith supply virtue,’ etc.' In other words, the ‘precious faith’ .with which the be­ liever begins his life," and which is the gift of God, Contains ‘in germ all the essential elements of holy Christian living. It is the seed out o f which all the other virtues grow.” Helps for the Leader 1. G rowing 1. Know and you will grow ; grow and you will glow ; glow and you will go. — S elected . 2 . Faith + virtue jk knowledge + tem­ perance + patience + godliness + broth­ erly kindness + love = Growth. 3. There is a Chinese fable about a man who, in order to make his garden produce faster, went over it and pulled; his plants a little farther through the ground. He was rejoicing in his foresight, only to find that his plants were dead. It takes time to be holy. You can’t do it on toadstool principles.— A quilla W ebb . II. G race in the P resent T ense A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough today to last him for the next six months, or take sufficient air into his lungs at once to sustain life for a week to come. W e must draw upon God’s boundless store o f grace from day to day as we need it - —I). L. M oody .

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