King's Business - 1936-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1936

APR IL 16 Giving Value to the Promises "H e is faithful that promised" (Heb. 10:23). Jesus is the confirmer of the promises. They are in Him “yea, and in him Amen.” His coming into our nature, His standing as our federal Head, and His fulfilling all the stipulations of the covenant, have made all the articles of the divine compact firm and enduring. Now, it is not only kind, but also just, with God to keep His prom­ ises to men. Since Jesus has rendered, on man’s behalf, a full recompense to the divine honor which sin has assailed, the justice of God unites with His love in securing the carrying out of every word of promise . . . If we are indeed one with the Lord Jesus Christ, the promises are as sure to us as the love of His Father is to Him. — C h arles H addon S purgeon . APR IL 17 Anointed of God " I f we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit" (Gal. 5 :25). He who has received the anointing will show it. Vessels laden with the products of the spice islands (as Dr. Pentecost once said) do not need to tell whence they come; and a man who lives under the in­ fluence o f the Spirit needs not to tell this either—his life betrayeth him. He will speak with anointed lips, he will look with anointed eyes, he will work with anointed hands. Remember that you are kings, re­ member that you are priests, remember that you have a Teacher ever accessible, a Helper ever strong; and let the outcome of all this be a closer walk with God by abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. — J. B. F iggis . APR IL 18 The Price of Our Salvation “Blessed be the God and Father o f our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph. 1 :3). We are not to forget that by the Blessed Father and the Beloved Son this boundless gift of salvation was not wrought by a mere edict, however omnipotent. It was a matter, not o f power only, nor even only o f love, but o f law, to o ; it must harmonize the holiness o f Him who is “consuming fire” with the tenderness o f the same God, who is “love” . . . Were we to be justified, and sanctified, and glorified? Then must the Father, constrained by His own holi­ ness, not spare His own Son, but deliver Him over for us all (Rom. 8:32). And the Son, under the same constraint, in­ finitely free from all other compulsion, but compelled by the fact that love, to be divine, must be holy, must not spare Him­ self—becoming obedient even to the length of death (Phil. 2:8). — H an d le y C. G. M oule . APR IL 19 One Who Is Ever with Us "Thou remainesf’ (Heb. 1:11). Many are bewailing the scarcity of great leaders in the Christian church today— the lack of men like Spurgeon and Moody and many others . . . Well, God may bury His workmen, but He remains. Moses may die on Pisgah’s height, being put to sleep by the kiss o f God, but Jehovah will still bring His people into the land of promise. . . . Perhaps He is trying to teach His people to depend less upon human instru­ mentality and more upon Himself—a les­ son that is greatly needed in the church today. In any case, it is our highest wis­ dom . . . to rest upon the truth that God


Almost a score of states (besides foreign countries) and an equal number of denominations represented each year. The 1935 session had a 60% increase in registrations over 1934. ADMINISTRATION: Dr. W. E. Biederwolf, Presi­ dent; Dr. J. A. Huffman, Dean. FACULTY: Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer, Dr. J. A. Huff­ man, Prof. Geo. H. Bost, Dr. Leslie Ray Marston, Dr. Howard T. Kuist, Prof. Mahle McQueen Weir. Send for 12-page Prospectus at once to DR. J. A. HUFFMAN, Dean, MARION, INDIANA

COURSES New Testament, Old Testament, The Holy Spirit, Greek New Testament, Psy­ chology and Religion, Origin of Religion, Beginners’ New Testament Greek, and Critical Sermon Delivery. Two semesters of 15 days each, July 9 to August 12. Work leading to regular theological degrees. For Ministers, Teach­ ers, Missionaries and Laymen.

COULD you / I ON T U I / ? “ RESOLVED: God helping me, not less than ten cents o f every dollar coming through my hands as personal income this calendar year shall go to some form o f G od ’ s work. Prayerfully signed:...... .....................,.....................................................” F o r helpful literature on Christian Stewardship Responsibilities, write Field Department THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Incorporated 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

divine nearness far deeper and more inti­ mate than even the joy that filled the heart of Thomas.— God’s Best Secrets. APR IL 14 Fed by the Word "Make me to understand the way o f thy precepts’’ (Psa. 119:27). Permanence of settled joy and peace in Christians is generally lost for lack of settled and continuous use o f God’s Word. The joy of the Lord is your strength as long as the Word o f the Lord is your study. Life abundantly is drawn from the same source as life incipiently: “Man shall not [“man doth not”—Deut. 8 :3] live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4 ). A little taste o f the Word of God is the surest method of creating a desire for more. . . . Here, and here alone, is there perpetual satisfaction to be found without anxiety.— H ubert B rooke . APR IL IS Patience, the Child of Hope "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9). It is startling to be- reminded in the New Testament that it is possible for the believer to be weary in well-doing . . . Walking by faith has never been an easy task. It is necessary for the believer to take long views o f life, and to learn the secret of patience . . . Patience is always the child o f hope. It is only when hope withers and dies that patience becomes next to impossible . . . Much of our work for God may seem fruitless and unavail­ ing, but, having been called by His grace into His service, it is our high privilege, by faith and prayer, by watchfulness and self-discipline, by fuller and deeper sur­ render and consecration, to work while it is called day, and leave the results with Him.— Life o f Faith.

A BIBLE FOR 75 cts.!!! (P ostpaid). For Bible Classes, Students and Churches. Handy in size, large black face type — easily read. Contains aids to the Study of the Bible. Colored maps. Colored illustrations. Cellophane jacket . . . slip cover. Authorized King James Version. Beautiful red edges. Bound in black Keratol flexible binding. Title stamped in gold— front and back. ■ IT A D Y ’ Q The Largest Old Book Store Known the World Over for Books of Every Description Ninth Street below Market, Philadelphia, Pa. DARKEST AMERICA Do you know that there are thousands of communities in America where the Gospel is not preached? Think of a generation growing up without the influence of the Bible. What are you going to do about it? A mission has been formed for the purpose of supplying the Gospel to these unfortu­ nates, and Reverend Homer Stanley Mor­ gan and others are going to devote their time to the evangelization of these neglected places. This is a field worthy of your prayer and attention. REFERENCES Dr. Will H. Houghton, Dr. H. A. Ironside, Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, Rev. W. W. Rugh For further information or to send contri­ butions—Address Christian Mission To Churchless Communities Room 602, 25 Broad Street, New York City MR. ALWYN BALL, JR., Treas. Mention This Ad When Purchasing SAVE 1 0 °/i On E lectrical Merchandise See our Specials on I R O N S - - T O A S T E R S

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