Generative AI is here. Are you ready?

This trio of teams collaborates with the legal/compliance department to ensure compliance with existing regulations. As the GenAI initiatives mature to the level of other AI technologies, the governance and CoE for GenAI can be integrated with the broader AI governance and CoE. Setting up for success GenAI governance

• Head of business functions (underwriting, claims marketing) • Head of the compliance team

Governance Objectives :

GAI Governance Council

• • •

Alignment with organizational goals Enterprise risk assessment Alignment with ethical standards

• Head of analytics • GenAI evangelists • NLP/NLG SMEs • Business SMEs (from different business teams)

• • • •

Oversight of GenAI initiatives Establishing the use of LLM models Alignment on GenAI tools and technologies Alignment between AI/ML/data science teams across the organization to democratize

GAI Center Of Excellence

Figuring out deliberate zones

• •

Set up the required infrastructure Set up the GAI data science team, COE & Governance team

• Head of Analytics • GenAI experts • NLP/NLG data scientists • Data engineers • Designers

GAI Core team

Fig 2. Operating model

Operationalizing GenAI The potential of GenAI has become increasingly evident, calling for a comprehensive and structured approach to adoption. To fully leverage the potential of GenAI, businesses must first identify their objectives and determine how GenAI can provide improvements. This involves identifying relevant functions to kick-start training and adoption of GenAI, as well as prioritizing use cases using the 4E framework, which consists of: Economics: The strategy’s financial aspect involves analyzing and understanding the potential return on investment and profitability. Exposure: The level of vulnerability an organization has to reputation risk and compliance issues. Edge: The competitive advantage that the tech provides, which involves identifying and leveraging unique selling propositions or critical differentiators. Extensibility: The ability of a system to be easily extended or modified without the need for significant changes to its underlying structure, allowing for adding new features, functionalities, or modules to an existing system without disrupting its core functionality.

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