Jensen Hughes Middle East Newsletter Q4


Mass transit and railway safety is critical to the traveling public. Every day, millions of travelers rely on experts like Jensen Hughes to ensure transportation systems will keep them safe during an emergency. With specialized expertise in all aspects of safety for railway systems, as well as high-risk scenarios, our team understands the range of challenges presented in the transportation environment, from structural protection and smoke control to fire suppression and probabilistic risk assessment. Our proven ability to provide tested and reliable solutions that keep people safe in complex, high-stakes scenarios is one reason we are the global leader in safety, security, and risk-based science and engineering. Our services include:

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Design-Build Delivery Specialty Consultancy

Emergency Management Pedestrian Modeling Performance-Based Design Security Consulting + Design Specialized Fire Protection Design Tunnel Ventilation Modeling

• Structural And Civil Materials Analysis + Special Inspections • Research + Development • Risk Analysis • Threat + Vulnerability Assessments • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

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