Jensen Hughes Middle East Newsletter Q4


In a compelling presentation that unfolded at our recent event in University of Doha science and technology located in Qatar, esteemed speakers Ormal Lishi and Amir Issazadeh, alongside the distinguished Dr. Konstantinos Belivanis, shared invaluable insights into the critical realm of fire safety. Their collaborative effort illuminated the intricacies of developing an effective emergency exit plan, offering a comprehensive guide to navigating such crucial scenarios. Students were treated to an engaging dialogue that delved into the interactions of academia and real- world challenges. The palpable energy in the room reflected the enthusiasm of both presenters and audience members, fostering an environment ripe for intellectual exchange and collaboration. From fire dynamics to strategic modeling of emergency exit routes, the speakers provided practical knowledge that resonated with the students. They specifically offered valuable insight into the sophisticated

world of evacuation modeling, delving into the intricacies of programs like Pathfinder as integral tools for simulating emergency scenarios. Their collective expertise not only shed light on the importance of preparedness but also underscored the role of collaboration between professionals and the community in ensuring a safer environment for all. Moreover, the session served as a gateway for students to discover more about the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH), a globally recognized organization offering qualifications designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills in health, safety, and environment management. NEBOSH courses are structured to enhance the competence of individuals across various industries, promoting a culture of safety and contributing to a safer working environment globally.

Qatar Team During the presentation

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