

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the development feasibility of key sites within Tillsonburg’s Central Area. The demonstration sites are not specifically identified or slated for development. The illustrations provided are highly conceptual, and are not indicative of the materials, detailing, windows, or other building materials which would be incorporated into a future building.

Balancing the formal character of the proposed Town Square to the north the Community Park will provide a bit of breathing space from the bustle of the retail main street while supporting the needs of local residents. Development Concept: The concept for this demonstration site includes the expansion and further programming of the existing parkette and the redevelopment of the adjacent parking lots and commercial building at a suitable scale and with an appropriate mix of uses. The expanded parkette would include a mix of landscaped and hardscaped surfaces with a number of trees, shrubs, and other plantings. Hardscaped surfaces would be concentrated in high traffic areas, to accommodate greater pedestrian volumes, while landscaped surfaces would be concentrated in those areas where significant through-traffic is not anticipated. The parkette would incorporate a variety of furnishings including benches, waste receptacles and pedestrian- scaled lighting. It would also feature a sculpture / public art feature, as well as water features such as a reflection pond or splash pad.

Existing Conditions: This demonstration site is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Broadway and Oxford Streets. The site contains a parkette with a civic sculpture, a mix of hardscaped and landscaped surfaces, and a limited number of benches. A surface parking lot surrounds the parkette to the south and east. The lot is associated with an adjacent 2 storey commercial building, located to the south. The commercial building occupies the length of the demonstration site (east to west), with a primary frontage along Broadway Street and secondary entrances facing the surface parking lot to the north. A second surface parking lot is located immediately south of the commercial building. The site is accessible by Broadway Street as well as an adjacent rear lane. Vision: The vision for this site is to create a community park with a mix of activities for all ages. The redevelopment proposes a new senior’s residences with a commercial ground floor facing onto Broadway Street. The open space will provide a much need activity anchor on the south side of Broadway’s heritage main street that will draw residents and visitors along the length of the entire retail street.

The existing parkette could be expanded to bookend the south end of the Central Business District.

The redevelopment could take the form of a mid-rise building, with active sues along Broadway Street as well as along the edge of the parkette.


Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study

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