


6.2.1 Directing Growth Section 2.0 of this document identifies character areas and provides an overview of the future development of the Central Area. It is essential that the policy framework reflects this vision and provides clear directions for land owners and developers. Key recommendations include: • The vitality of retail commercial uses should be maintained within the Main Street and Secondary Commercial Areas. Growth in these areas should include public uses such as retail on the ground floor and residential or office above. Along Broadway Street all future development will be designed with a ‘retail character’ ground floor. • The large format retail areas should, where possible, direct growth to the edges of properties to frame the street and provide a visual barrier to parking lots. • Future residential intensification (buildings that are 100% residential) should be directed to the surrounding residential areas or within the Secondary Commercial Area to provide an appropriate transition to the adjacent residential areas.

The vision for Tillsonburg’s Central Area will need to be implemented through policy and process amendments (including the application of provincial policy tools), integrated and collaborative design review processes, and Town and local leadership that is committed to the vision for the Central Area and its phasing plan. As some of the guidelines recommend a change in current practices and services, the cost and operational implications of these changes should be monitored as part of the overall implementation process. Budgeting for the potential cost of operational changes will form an important element of the implementation of the Central Area Design Study. Guidance from the Province is provided through policy documents such as the Provincial Policy Statement that can help to shape and direct urban growth and its character. Policy and process amendments will be necessary to take the appropriate recommendations of this document and incorporate them into the existing planning framework. To implement the recommendations of this document, an integrated design process will be required to ensure that new development is in keeping with the quality and character necessary to achieve the vision. The review of development proposals for the study area can be undertaken in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, the establishment of a ‘design review panel’, through a peer review of proposed development, or an evaluation matrix.

Outlined in the section that follows are tools and techniques that are available to the Town for

implementation. The success of the guidelines in positively shaping new development will be directly related to the implementation process.


Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study

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