

6.3.2 Pilot Projects Several potential pilot projects have been identified for the Central Area. Each project has been developed to support the Central Area Vision as outlined in Section 2.0 of this document. Cycling – Recommended cycling routes within the Central Area should be signed to raise awareness of cycling and to assist cyclists with finding parking locations on arrival. Retail Way Finding – Way finding signage for businesses located on side streets adjacent and parallel to Broadway Street could be provided to highlight Broadway as the retail spine of the larger Central Area. This signage can be stand alone or affixed to the sides of buildings as part of a blank façade strategy. Trail Way Finding - Further way finding signage could be provided to direct pedestrians and cyclists to trail connections that either traverse or form a boundary to the Central Area Blank Façade Improvements – Key streets with significant blank façades (such as Ridout Street) could be targeted for a Town mural. The Town, with the cooperation of the land owner, could initiate a public art competition to select the preferred concept and artists. Other blank façade improvements could include the outdoor screening of videos. Rear Lane Event – To improve the character and maintenance of the Town’s rear lanes it is recommended that a future event be considered that includes temporary spill out space into the laneways. The intention of this type of event is to encourage awareness of the laneways and to highlight some key improvements that can be targeted in the short term. Clock Tower Parkette Improvements – The Clock Tower is identified as a demonstration site in Section 2 of this document. It is recommended that the Clock Town Plaza could be expanded to include a larger programmable area such as the base station for a street sale or an outdoor venders market. As a primary gateway into the Central Area it is essential that this parkette become a stronger elements as both a visual entrance point to the Central Area, and as programmed space.

6.3.1 Blank Facade Strategy There are several streets and buildings within the Main Street, Secondary Commerial and Large Format Areas that are located in proximity to extensive blank facades exhibiting limited character. These areas are typically characterized by high rental/business turnover and reduced pedestrian traffic. The Town’s Façade Improvement Program should focus on a comprehensive strategy to assist land owners with the improvement of blank façades. The said strategy could include the following: • The blank face map (to come) that would be used to target and identify trouble areas in need on improvements. • The predetermination of styles or character of blank façade improvements. It is generally recommended that these installations be more modern in character reflecting the busy, bustling character of the downtown and less self reflective of the history of Tillsonburg e.g. modern and colourful murals about current town activities and businesses (including legacy industries) are recommended above interpretive heritage pictorial images. • Properties that create multiple blank façade that impact surrounding properties or streets should consider providing additional true light glazing or at minimum, provide way finding and advertizing opportunities for near-by businesses.


Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study

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