

7. Appendices: includes a glossary of terms, a summary of the policy framework, urban structure mapping, demonstration site illustrations, a heritage resource inventory, and a summary of the transportation analysis.

This document consists of seven sections: 1. Introduction: introduces the study including the study purpose, the study process and application, the document structure, an overview of the study area, a summary of the physical and historic context, a summary of the policy context, and a summary of the public consultation process. 2. Central Area Vision: outlines the vision for the Central Area, including unique vision statements and general design principles for each of the identified Character Areas, including the Main Street Area, Secondary Commercial Areas, the Large Format Area, and Residential Areas. 3. Private Realm and Architectural Control Guidelines: provides a set of private realm and architectural control recommendations pertaining to heritage buildings, new buildings and renovations to existing contemporary buildings, and signage both specifically along Broadway Street and throughout the Central Area. 4. Public Realm Guidelines: provides a set of site design recommendations pertaining to parking, open space, entrances and exists, bicycle parking, and sustainability. 5. Demonstration Sites: Establishes demonstration scenarios for three key development sites within the Central Area, addressing matters of built form and massing, land use and programming, site layout and design, landscaping, parking, etc. 6. Implementation Recommendations: provides an implementation framework, which achieves the goals and objectives of the study, outlining policy and process amendments, community improvement strategies, Central Area promotional tools, monitoring and updating processes, future studies, and policy amendments.

Gateway signage mark significant entrances to Tillsonburg’s Central Area.

Broadway Street is characterized by its generous right-of-way width and abundance of angled on-street parking.


Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study

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