

B.1 Provincial Policy Statement (2005) The Provincial Policy Statement is issued under the authority of Section 3 of the Planning Act. It provides direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development, and promotes the provincial “policy-led” planning system. As stated by the Province: The Provincial Policy Statement recognizes the complex inter-relationships among economic, environmental and social factors in planning and embodies good planning principles. It includes enhanced policies on key issues that affect our communities, such as: the efficient use and management of land and infrastructure; protection of the environment and resources; and ensuring appropriate opportunities for employment and residential development, including support for a mix of uses. The Provincial Policy Statement provides clear policy direction for land use planning across Ontario. It promotes strong communities, a clean and healthy environment and a strong economy.

B.2 Oxford County Official Plan (2010) The Oxford County Official Plan contains goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Town of TIllsonburg. The Plan contains policies to guide and manage the extent, pattern and type of settlement and the use of land and resources desired to maintain and improve the quality of the environment and the quality of life for County residents and to address matter of Provincial interest. The Plan has been developed through significant public involvement and agency consultation and reflects the collective view of the people of Oxford County with respect to the future development of the County’s land and resource base. The Plan is deemed to be consistent with Provincial Policy. The policies contained within the Plan establish the land use priorities to be followed in instances where there is conflict between Provincial interests, except where a Provincial Plan takes precedent. Chapter Eight of the Plan, titled “Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Policies” contains subsection 8.3.2 titled “The Central Area”. This subsection describes, in great detail, the County’s vision, strategy, and site specific policies, which will guide the future development of lands within the Central Area of the Town of Tillsonburg.

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