B.10 Community Improvement Plan (2006) The intent of the Downtown Community Improvement Plan is to outline in one document the range of improvement options which may be undertaken to address the Downtown Area in a coordinated manner. In this regard it is intended that this Community Improvement Plan will provide the basis for downtown municipal investment initiatives and will replace any previous plans. The purpose of this community improvement plan is to provide the context for a coordinated municipal effort to improve the physical, economic and social climates of the Downtown. The initiatives identified in this Plan are intended to outline the possible range of actions designed to stimulate private investment, property maintenance and renewal in the Downtown. The Downtown Community Improvement Plan is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of revitalization projects that may be undertaken to stimulate community improvement, nor is there any obligation for Council to implement all of the initiatives outlined in the Plan. Rather, the Plan is intended to provide a context for Downtown revitalization projects and to assist in municipal decision making so that actions are undertaken which, either individually or cumulatively, facilitate a positive climate for downtown improvement. Finally, it should be noted that the implementation of any the proposed financial incentives will be at the discretion of Council and dependent on financial resources.
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