Throughout the study process, the consultant team reviewed a number of key documents which influence development within the Town of Tillsonburg, and specifically within the Central Area. Many of these documents are study-oriented and will be used to assist in the formulation of policies, while others, including the Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law and Tillsonburg Site Plan Guidelines, will be used as implementation tools. Referenced documents include: • Provincial Policy Statement (2005) , which recognizes the complex inter-relationship among economic, environmental and social factors in planning and embodies good planning principles; • Oxford County Official Plan (2010) , which contains the goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Town of Tillsonburg, and includings a vision and strategy for the Central Area as well as relevant sub- districts; • Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law (2011) , which controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones with detailed maps, specifying the uses permitted in each zone, specifying where buildings and other structures can be located, stating the types of buildings that are permitted and how they are used, and specifying lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street; • Tillsonburg Site Plan Guidelines (2011) , which inform potential developers and the public about the use of Site Plan Control, the requirements for Site Plan approval, and to provide guidelines for site plan preparation and review;
• Tillsonburg Recreation Master Plan (On-Going) , which provides a comprehensive framework articulating the needs and priorities for recreation programs, facilities, culture, parks, sports fields, trails and open space; • Tillsonburg Trails Master Plan (2008) , which provides a guide for the future of our trail system whereby non-motorized, multi-user trails are systematically linked in an effort to connect people and places while enjoying our beautiful town and the natural beauty of the Town’s trails.; • Tillsonburg Downtown Streetscape Master Plan (1996) , the goal of which is to strengthen the aesthetics and function of the downtown; and • Oxford County Commercial Policy Review (2009) , which contains a series of directive that guide proper planning and the structure of urban areas. A detailed summary of the Policy Framework can be viewed in Appendix B: Summary of Policy Framework.
Study Area boundary for the Tillsonburg Downtown Streetscape Master Plan.
Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study
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