The following principles outline priority recommendations that have been developed to guide the evolution of Broadway Street’s architectural character, regardless of period or style. The Vision for the Main Street Area (Broadway Street) is located in Section 2.2.1. Additional information can be found in Section 3.1 Renovations/ Additions to Heritage Character Buildings, Section 3.2 New Buildings & Renovations/ Additions to Contemporary Buildings, Section 3.3 Signage, 3.4 Vehicular Parking & Site Access, Section 3.5 Sustainability, Section 4.1 Vehicular & Pedestrian Circulation, Section 4.2 Open Spaces, Natural Heritage Features & Green Streets and Section 4.3 Streetscape Amenities.
Maintain Consistent StreetWall In order to create a continuous and unified pedestrian experience, buildings should maintain a regular alignment and should avoid setbacks at street level from the front property line. The heights and massing of buildings should complement neighboring properties to create a continuous and cohesive urban fabric.
Create Active Edges and aVibrant Streetscape In order to encourage an active and well-used pedestrian streetscape, businesses should consider various strategies that will bring life to the street-edge. Strategies for this could include: locating regularly-used business activities to the front of the building where they are most visible, maximizing transparent glazing, and providing well-lit interiors and appealing visual displays. Professional services are particularly encouraged to implement these strategies. Maximize Glazing at Street Level All buildings should emphasize the street-level experience by maximizing the amount of glazing in this area. This will optimize views into and out of each building; create a strong connection between interior and exterior spaces, provide visual intrigue, and allow for window shopping.
Ensure Building Entrances Address Broadway Street The primary entrance for each business on Broadway Street should face the street. This results in a more continuous shopping experience, increased pedestrian traffic, and a livelier streetscape.
Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study
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