3.2 NEWBUILDINGS & RENOVATIONS / ADDITIONS TO CONTEMPORARY BUILDINGS Through the future development of new buildings, and renovations and additions to contemporary buildings, opportunities exist to improve and extend the character of the Main Street Area along Broadway Street, to wrap the corners of flanking streets with appropriate active uses, to enhance the character of Secondary Commercial and Large Format Areas, to create appropriate transitions to surrounding Residential Areas, and to accommodate appropriate and context-sensitive intensification which will strengthen the vitality of the Central Area. The design of new buildings in areas with a heritage character, as identified on pages 37 and 38, should be sympathetic to this heritage character without mimicking existing designs, and should incorporate complementary materials and architectural treatments. In areas without a significant heritage character, as identified on pages 37 and 38, new buildings should be allowed greater design flexibility to incorporate contemporary materials and architectural treatments, while continuing to respect the existing architectural context of the Central Area. The following guidelines address both scenarios.
3.2.1 Heights &Massing
3.2.2 Setbacks&Stepbacks
Minimum Building Heights • Within all character areas, new buildings should have a minimum height of 2 storeys (7.5 metres). Maximum Building Heights • Within the Main Street Area, new buildings and vertical additions to contemporary buildings should result in building heights no greater than 5 storeys (16.5 metres). • Within all character areas, where adjacent buildings have an identified heritage character, new buildings and vertical additions to contemporary buildings should result in heights of no more than 1 storey (4 metres) greater than the adjacent building with an identified heritage character. • Taller buildings, between 4 and 5 storeys (13.5 to 16.5 metres) should be considered at major intersections throughout the Main Street Area to reinforce the prominence of these locations.
Front Property Setbacks • Within all character areas, new buildings and additions to contemporary buildings should be built to the front property line or prevailing setback, established by neighbouring buildings. • Within the Main Street Area, new buildings and vertical additions to contemporary buildings should step back a minimum of 3 metres above the established streetwall height of 2 to 3 storeys (7.5 to 10.5 metres) and, in the case of the 4th and 5th storeys, a minimum of 3 metres from the storey beneath. This will ensure a consistent streetwall and limit its visual impact on the streetscape. Front Property Stepbacks
Broadway Street should maintain a 2 to 3 storey streetwall.
Stepbacks should be provided above the 3rd storey to maintain an appropriate sense of scale from the street.
Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.
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