• Where residential or office uses are included above retail uses throughout the Main Street Area, Secondary Commercial Area, and Large Format Area, separate entrances should be provided. • New buildings, or additions or renovations to contemporary buildings, should incorporate architectural details such as vestibules, recessed entrances, covered walkways, canopies and awnings to provide weather protection. • Utilities, vents and other undesirable elements should be avoided on the lower levels of facades adjacent to the street or should be integrated into the architectural composition of new buildings. • Permanent opaque coverings on windows and doors that prevent views into buildings are discouraged. Vertical Demarcation • Within the Main Street Area, new buildings, or renovations and additions to contemporary buildings, should be designed to incorporate vertical bays that reflect the traditional width of storefronts in the Central Area (6 to 9 metres), thereby maintaining an appropriate scale of development.
• Vertical divisions between bays may be demarcated using construction elements such as masonry coursing, changes in materials, changes in colour, projecting piers, pilasters or columns. Horizontal Demarcation • Each storey may be horizontally demarcated on the building façade through the use of projecting mouldings, intermediate cornices, changes in material, changes in colour and masonry coursing. • The façade should have a sign band cornice matching the height of nearby heritage character buildings. Roof cornice lines and floor lines should be compatible with neighbouring buildings. Grade Changes • New buildings, and renovations and additions to contemporary buildings, should maintain the staggered character of existing building facades, which result in response to grade changes.
Windows in new buildings may be made of pre-finished metal or wood so long as proportions and configuration are maintained.
New buildings should incorporate appropriate elements of vertical and horizontal demarcation.
Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study
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