
3.2.5 Ground Floor Conditions

Ground Floor Heights • Within the Main Street Area, Secondary Commercial Area, and Large Format Area, the floor-to-floor height of the ground floor of new buildings should be a minimum of 4.5 metres. This will facilitate retail uses at-grade and will ensure that the ground floor has a continuous character as the Secondary Commercial Area evolves to include a greater number of businesses, and the Large Format Retail Area transitions to a more urban character. • Within Residential Areas, new buildings should maintain floor-to-floor heights of at least 3.25 metres. Ground Floor Uses • Within the Main Street Area, new buildings should contain active and publicly oriented retail uses or other appropriate commercial uses at-grade. This is necessary to create a cohesive and pedestrian- oriented urban environment and to ensure the public accessibility of all buildings.

• Within the Main Street Area, at-grade commercial uses should wrap the corner, occupying a frontage ranging between 9 to 12 metres. Beyond this point, the buildings may include either residential or commercial uses at-grade, depending on demand. • Within Secondary Commercial Areas, at-grade residential uses are permitted. However, properties with frontages along streets which flank Broadway Street should be targeted for commercial uses in the long-term, in order to extend commercial activity beyond Broadway Street within Tillsonburg’s Central Area. • Within Large Format Areas, at-grade uses should be commercial. • Within Residential Areas, at-grade uses should be residential.

min. 4.5m

New buildings should contain active and publicly oriented retail uses or other appropriate commercial uses.

The floor-to-floor height of the ground level of new buildings should be a minimum of 4.5 metres.


Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.

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