• Where a continuous internal pedestrian walkway is provided from the perimeter public sidewalk to the principal store entrances landscaping, benches and pedestrian-scaled lighting should be provided. • Sidewalks should be provided along the full length of the building along any facade including a store entrance and along any facade abutting public parking areas. Continuous tree planting and/or other landscape treatments should be considered. • Internal pedestrian walkways should be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of concrete or special paving to enhance pedestrian safety and the attractiveness of the walkways. Site Layout & Parking Areas • Large retail stores should be integrated into a consistent pattern of streets or private drives and blocks.
• Large surface parking lots located between the front facade of the large format retail building and the primary abutting street should be discouraged. infill development along the street line should be promoted to reduce the visual impact of large format parking areas. • Parking areas should incorporate pedestrian walkways, where feasible, to enable safe and direct movement to principal customer entrances. • Landscaping islands and modules should be located, where feasible, at each end of a row of parking spaces.
Predominant exterior building materials should be of a high quality.
Sidewalks should be provided along the full length of the building along any facade including a store entrance and abutting public parking areas.
Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.
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