
4.1.4 Rear Lanes

• In all character areas, new buildings should seek opportunities to provide continuity to existing adjacent lane systems where the lane condition terminate adjacent to the property. • In all character areas, where new developments occur and new rear lanes may be required or existing lanes are provided, the primary facade of the building should not face the lane, nor should primary at-grade access be provided. However, consideration should be given to creating secondary entrances to new and existing buildings with rear lane access, as such entrances can create a sense of activity on the lane. • For new developments within Residential Areas, rear lane single car garages are encouraged to attach as a pair to provide a consolidated appearance. • Where new lanes are required, or where existing lanes require reconstruction, the use of permeable materials

is encouraged where sufficient drainage exists, as low traffic levels permit the use of less durable surfaces. • For new developments, in order to maintain adequate distance between the vehicular traffic on the lane and the rear of the building or garage, the minimum separation distance between the building / garage and the rear lane should be a minimum of 0.5 metres. • In all cases, where new lanes are required, a minimum right-of-way width of 7 metres should be provided. • Mountable mirrors should be considered where there is a building corner at the exist of the rear lane. Such mirrors should be placed on adjacent buildings, as opposed to those on the opposite side of the street, as they would have to be very large to be effective. Please refer to Appendix F: Summary of Transportation Analysis for more information.




Rear garages should be set back a minimum of 0.5 metres from the lane.

Through renovations to buildings, and the construction of new buildings, opportunities should be explored to improve the quality of rear lanes.


Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.

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