Exercise Essentials
3Tips To Improve Nutrition InThe Fall
Harvest Your Herbs Herbs tend to have higher levels of antioxidants and other phytonutrients than other types of vegetables. So even though we tend to eat them in relatively small quantities, herbs can add a lot of nutrition to foods. Become A Soup Chef Getting into the habit of making a big pot of soup every weekend is a great way to improve your nutrition all week long. If you’re using a pressure cooker or slow cooker, they also need very little supervision while they are cooking. Make A New Fermented Friend Probiotic foods help to promote the growth of helpful bacteria in your gut. Good gut bacteria can aid in digestion, nutrient absorption, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Patient Success Spotlight
Alternating Knee To Chest While lying on your back, hold your knee and gently pull it up to your chest. Switch and repeat with opposite leg. Complete 5x each leg. Image Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/thmb/EpgYtdLIAW9nSX0pWozlcvNJSiY=/ 3525x2350/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Depositphotos_22103221_ original-56a05fe85f9b58eba4b027a7.jpg
Introducing Doterra Deep Blue Rub Purchase a 4 oz Deep Blue Rub and get a 10 minute chair massage - FREE! Offer Ends December 31, 2021 Special Offer
Kim and Jamie Clark are amazing physical therapists. I had injured my back so bad that I was unable to bend or walk without severe pain. I work as an occupational therapist and needed to be able to perform my job duties. I called them and was able to get in that day. After the first treatment they were able to reduce my pain and inflammation by at least 50%. I continued with all my treatments and they were able to restore my back to a healthy level with absolutely no reoccurrence of injury. I would highly recommend Kim and Jamie for all your physical therapy needs! They are kind and compassionate and truly provide relief ! - Noelle W
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