
Enjoy Reading

What should I do if my child is not at the reading level they’re expected to be at? • Don’t panic and don’t make your child stressed about reading. It may be the case that your child is young for their year group, or not developmentally ready for reading. Also, most children don’t progress in a straight line as they learn to read: they may have periods of fast progress followed by periods of consolidation. Children who start off behind for any reason tend to take a little while to catch up. • It can be very worrying if you think your child is falling behind. Make an appointment to discuss your concerns with your child’s class teacher.

“Reading should be about having fun and adventure and magic, not just ‘making progress’.” Michaela Morgan

I think my child’s problems are more serious – what should I do? Always speak to your child’s teacher and share your concerns again. Explain exactly what it is that is worrying you. Your child might have hearing problems, for example, that are getting in the way of learning to read and the school can arrange for tests to be done.

Here are links to organisations that deal with some other reading problems:

Dyslexia Stammering Speech and Language Therapists


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