STAY FOCUSED Stay Focused is like Siempo, but there are some significant differences. You can set times to access certain apps and put the most distracting ones on lock. Stay Focused also has a “strict mode” that prevents you from uninstalling it, so be sure to think carefully before activating the lockdown because you won’t have access to those specific apps until the timer runs out. FOREST In the time that Forest takes control of your device for a set time limit, the app starts growing a tree. Once the tree is fully grown, your time is up, and it joins the other trees that were grown during other breaks. If you pick up your phone and try to access an app, Forest will send you a notification asking you if you want to kill your baby tree by giving up. Who says guilt isn’t a good motivator?
BESIDES APPS Aside from using these apps, silencing your phone and putting it in another room, leaving it in your car if you’re out at dinner, or keeping it in your purse or back pocket during a social event can also reduce your screen time. Having your phone out of sight and out of reach will keep the temptation of pulling it out at bay. Spending time with your family is crucial, and with these apps and tips, you’ll enjoy each other’s company without too many screen distractions.
Setting some time aside to be with family is important, but it can be difficult when everyone is always on their cellphones. Constant cellphone use has become a global problem, and the habit is hard to break because we rely on mobile devices heavily for work, school, and keeping in contact with friends and family. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can reduce how often you’re on your phone and minimize distractions. SIEMPO After you install Siempo on your phone, it will ask which apps are likely to distract you. Once you select them, the app will move those apps away from the home screen and place the important ones, such as the messaging, contacts, email, and calendar apps, on the first screen. You can also designate times for specific apps to be used throughout the day.
DEADLY DAYS WHAT TEEN DRIVERS NEED TO KNOW School’s out for summer, and we’re sure students of all ages are enjoying their three months of freedom. Of course, this freedom means that many high school students will be taking to the roads this month as they commute to their summer jobs, spend time with friends, or engage in countless other activities. Unfortunately, serious accidents involving teenagers skyrocket this time of year due to the increase in drivers. 100 DEADLY DAYS OF SUMMER It’s a tragic statistic, but one that needs to be shared. According to highway safety advocates “We Save Lives,” every summer an estimated 260 U.S. teenagers die in car accidents per month. That’s 26 percent higher than any other month of the year. These otherwise carefree summer months are the reason auto accidents are the leading cause of death for teens. SO WHAT CAN WE DO? Teens want their freedom, and parents shouldn’t simply take away their car keys. But if you have a teen at home, it’s important to have a conversation about safety and expectations. Distracted driving is a big contributor to teen accidents, so remind your student that cell phone use is NEVER acceptable in the driver’s seat. Also, even if you are certain your teen doesn’t drink, emphasize the dangers of driving under the influence, or being the passenger of a drunk driver. Admitting to drinking under age may get
them in trouble, but it’s far better for them to call you and ask for a ride in these situations than risk a deadly crash.
I DON’T HAVE A TEENAGER. WHAT CAN I DO? Even if you don’t have a teen in your household, you can do your part to keep yourself and these young drivers safe on the road. As the summer winds on, be a little more defensive with your driving than you might otherwise be. Don’t assume a car is going straight in an intersection just because it’s not signaling. Don’t assume the person merging into your lane has checked their blind spots. Reduce distractions inside your own vehicle as much as possible. Together, we can make the roads of San Diego a little safer this summer. If you are involved in an accident, it’s important to seek legal counsel to understand your options. An expert auto accident attorney, like Elliott Kanter, can help you seek compensation.
The Law Offices of Elliott Kanter APC | www.enkanter.com
Published by The Newsletter Pro | www.TheNewsletterPro.com
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